


Complete the following text with 'or' 'and' 'but' correctly.
Read the text aloud, in turns.

    Which do you like the most, visiting a historical place (1) ____ a beach? You can enjoy both by visiting Marlborough Fort located near the seashore of Bengkulu. The fort was built between 1713 and 1719, and was completely renovated between 1977 and 1984. The building was used for defense, office, (2) ____ prisons.

    The fort is situated on a hill, facing the city of Bengkulu (3) ____ the back of the Indian Ocean. It is square-shaped with measurements 240 x 170 meters (4) ____ all of the four corners have a bastion. The fort is old, (5) ____ still looks impressive. The northern (6) ____ southern entrances can be reached by small wooden bridges. When entering the fort, visitors will see the gravestones of British officers. They will also find a detention room where was used for prisoners during colonial times.

    The fort has several cannons. They looks old, (7) ____ still strong. Visitors will also experience to see tunnels. The other part of the fort is used as  a museum which exhibits historical objects (8) ____ shows the history of the fort. Visitors can see the great power of the colonial invaders with the building of a large fort and still fully equipped. They also can enjoy the panoramic view of the sea from one side of the fort which is indeed beautiful in the afternoon. Visitors can choose to enjoy the sea from the fort (9) ____ walk to the beach.

    By visiting the fort we can learn a valuable history, take amazing photos, (10) ____ enjoy the beautiful sea, so don't miss to visit this fort when you are in Bengkulu.

Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20201025135706/ https://indahnesia.com/indonesia/BENFOR/fort_marlborough.php (February 16, 2021)

Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 8. What is the building like?

Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 8.

What is the building like?


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah " The building is square-shaped, measured at240 x 170 meters, and have a bastion at all four corners ."

jawaban yang benar adalah "The building is square-shaped, measured at 240 x 170 meters, and have a bastion at all four corners."




Soal tersebut menanyakan bagaimana penampilan dari bangunan tersebut. Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di kalimat kedua paragraf kedua yang berbunyi " It is square-shaped with measurements 240 x 170 meters (4) ____ all of the four corners have a bastion ." (Benteng tersebut berbentuk kotak dengan ukuran 240 x 170 meter (4) ____seluruh sudutnya memiliki benteng pertahanan ) Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah " The building is square-shaped, measured at240 x 170 meters, and have a bastion at all four corners ."

Soal tersebut menanyakan bagaimana penampilan dari bangunan tersebut.

Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di kalimat kedua paragraf kedua yang berbunyi "It is square-shaped with measurements 240 x 170 meters (4) ____ all of the four corners have a bastion." (Benteng tersebut berbentuk kotak dengan ukuran 240 x 170 meter (4) ____ seluruh sudutnya memiliki benteng pertahanan)

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The building is square-shaped, measured at 240 x 170 meters, and have a bastion at all four corners."

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Jawaban terverifikasi


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