


Read text for question no. 22-25!

Elephants: The Amazing Animals

    Elephants are the largest land animals on earth. They have the largest brains of any mammals.

    Elephants talk to each other. Researchers have discovered more than 50 different types of calls that they use to communicate with each other. Their trunks are strong enough to pick up trees but sensitive enough to pick up flowers. They use them as tools to sweep paths, to scratch themselves, and to swat flies. They are good swimmers and use their trunks like snorkels. They live together in family groups. They help each other when in trouble. They join together to care for and rescue their young.

What is the main idea of the paragraph 1?

What is the main idea of the paragraph 1?

  1. Elephants have largest brain

  2. Elephants are the largest animals

  3. Elephants has 50 different types

  4. Elephants are good swimmers


A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

jawaban yang tepat adalah B.



Ide pokok dari paragraf pertama terletak di awal paragraf, yakni pada kalimat "Elephants are the largest land animals on earth." Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Ide pokok dari paragraf pertama terletak di awal paragraf, yakni pada kalimat "Elephants are the largest land animals on earth."

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

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What is the text about?



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