


The aurora is a kind of natural light phenomenon. Its natural light can be seen in the sky, specifically in the high-latitude (Arctic and Antarctic) areas. The aurora, which happens in a band, typically occurs in 3 to 6 Celsius in latitudinal extent and at all longitudes. This phenomenon involves atoms, magnetosphere, solar wind, and elements in the sky. Charged particles which, occur in the magnetosphere, solar wind, and on earth, are directed by the earth's magnetic field into the atmosphere. When collisions among atoms with these energy charged particles in high altitude atmosphere or thermosphere happen, an aurora occurs. Discrete aurora can be seen in the sky with the naked eye at night. The light of this aurora allows people to read at night without a lamp. The aurora borealis or the Northern Light occurs in the northern latitudes, while in southern latitudes, the aurora is called the aurora australis or the Southern Lights. The Northern Light occurs alternately with the Southern lights. The Southern lights can be seen in Antarctica, South America, New Zealand, and Australia.

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From the text, we know that ....


S. Adena

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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Soal di atas meminta kita untuk menuliskan fakta-fakta yang ada di dalam teks tersebut. Text di atas merupakan jenis report text, fungsinya adalah memberikan sebuah informasi akan sesuatu hal pada pembaca. Beberapa fakta yang dapat dijadikan jawaban antara lain, adalah: - The aurora is anatural light can be seen in the sky, specifically in the high-latitude (Arctic and Antarctic) areas. - Auroraphenomenon involves atoms, magnetosphere, solar wind, and elements in the sky. - The aurora borealis or the Northern Light occurs in the northern latitudes, while in southern latitudes, the aurora is called the aurora australis or the Southern Lights.

Soal di atas meminta kita untuk menuliskan fakta-fakta yang ada di dalam teks tersebut.

Text di atas merupakan jenis report text, fungsinya adalah memberikan sebuah informasi akan sesuatu hal pada pembaca.

Beberapa fakta yang dapat dijadikan jawaban antara lain, adalah:

- The aurora is a natural light can be seen in the sky, specifically in the high-latitude (Arctic and Antarctic) areas.

- Aurora phenomenon involves atoms, magnetosphere, solar wind, and elements in the sky.

-  The aurora borealis or the Northern Light occurs in the northern latitudes, while in southern latitudes, the aurora is called the aurora australis or the Southern Lights.

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