

Read the following text carefully! Then answer the questions!

My Horrible Experience

    I live in a small village. It is not far from a hill. There was a tropical storm few years before, so my school taught the students what to do when the disaster comes.

    One afternoon last year, I was at home. I had turned the television on and was about to watch my favorite show. Suddenly, the electricity went off. Then my father called to say that a big storm was in the area.

    We went down to the basement where my father built after the previous storm, and hid in a closet. We could hear the storm. It is louder and louder. The walls started to shake. I had been a little scared the time before, but this time I was terrified. After about five minutes, when everything had become quiet again, we went to the kitchen to look outside. I saw that our house was okay, but unfortunately, the house next door was destroyed. 

    I called my parents immediately. They were safe, too. The next day, there was news on television that it was a tropical storm, and it caused flooding, a landslide in other areas, and some people's death. We were sad to hear that. It was a horrible experience, but fortunately we all survived.

What happened to the writer?

What happened to the writer?

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N. Mulyandini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah "The writerwas trapped in a big storm".

jawaban yang benar adalah "The writer was trapped in a big storm".



Soal menanyakan tentangapa yang terjadi pada penulis. Pada paragraf kedua terdapat kalimat "Then my father called to say that a big storm was in the area" yangmenyebutkan bahwa terdapat badai besar di area tempat tinggal penulis. Selanjuinya pada paragraf ketiga penulis menyebutkan bahwa ia bersembunyi dilemari di ruang bawah tanah sebagaimana disebutkan pada kalimat "We went down to the basement where my father built after the previous storm, and hid in a closet" . Dari potongan teks tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis terjebak dalam badai yang sangat besar. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The writerwas trapped in a big storm".

Soal menanyakan tentang apa yang terjadi pada penulis.

Pada paragraf kedua terdapat kalimat "Then my father called to say that a big storm was in the area" yang menyebutkan bahwa terdapat badai besar di area tempat tinggal penulis.

Selanjuinya pada paragraf ketiga penulis menyebutkan bahwa ia bersembunyi di lemari di ruang bawah tanah sebagaimana disebutkan pada kalimat "We went down to the basement where my father built after the previous storm, and hid in a closet".

Dari potongan teks tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis terjebak dalam badai yang sangat besar.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "The writer was trapped in a big storm".

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