
Read the following narrative text and answer the questions!

Strong or Weak

    There was a proud teak tree in the forest. He was tall and strong. There was a small herb next to the tree. The teak tree said, "I am very handsome and strong. No one can defeat me." Hearing this, the herb replied, "Dear friend, too much pride is harmful. Even the strong will fall one day." The teak ignored the herb's words. He continued to praise himself.

    A strong wind blew. The teak stood firmly. Even when it rained, the teak stood strong by spreading its leaves. During these times, the herb bowed low. The teak made fun of the herb.

    One day, there was a storm in the forest. The herb bowed low. As usual, the teak did not want to bow. The storm kept growing stronger. The teak could no longer bear it. He felt his strength giving way. He tried his best to stand upright, but in the end, he fell down. That was the end of the proud tree.

    When everything was calm again, the herb stood straight. He looked around. He saw that the proud teak had fallen.

What happened to the main character according to the story?

What happened to the main character according to the story?

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah He tried his best tostand upright, but in the end, he fell down.

jawaban yang benar adalah He tried his best to stand upright, but in the end, he fell down.


Arti dari pertanyaan diatas adalah apa yang terjadi kepada karakter utama dalam cerita. Kita dapat menemukan jawabannya dalam kalimat " He tried his best tostand upright, but in the end, he fell down. " yang bermakna " dia berdiri tegak semampunya, tapi pada akhirnya dia tumbang." Kita dapat menyimpulkan cerita yang karakter utamanyaadalah pohon jati yang sombong yang tidak takut apapun karena kekuatannya. Pada akhirnya badai datang dan pohon jati tumbang setelah mencoba sekuat tenaga untuk bangkit. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah He tried his best tostand upright, but in the end, he fell down.

Arti dari pertanyaan diatas adalah apa yang terjadi kepada karakter utama dalam cerita. Kita dapat menemukan jawabannya dalam kalimat " He tried his best to stand upright, but in the end, he fell down." yang bermakna " dia berdiri tegak semampunya, tapi pada akhirnya dia tumbang." Kita dapat menyimpulkan cerita yang karakter utamanya adalah pohon jati yang sombong yang tidak takut apapun karena kekuatannya. Pada akhirnya badai datang dan pohon jati tumbang setelah mencoba sekuat tenaga untuk bangkit.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah He tried his best to stand upright, but in the end, he fell down.

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