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    A hotel is a commercial place that provides lodging, food and other services to people. There are three kinds of hotels according to location, facilities, services offered and clientele served. They are transient hotel, resort hotel and residential hotel.

Transient Hotel
    A transient hotel is usually located within city boundaries. It is usually intended for businessmen and travellers. It provides numerous amenities in addition to sleeping accommodation, including maid services, radio and television, parking space for automobiles, recreational facilities, food and beverage services and retail shops.

Resort Hotel
    A resort hotel is usually located in seaside, lake, or mountain areas. Its target is tourists and holidays. It provides all hotel services plus recreational and athletic activities. In recent years, the hotel industry has experienced tremendous growth as a result of the increase in tourism in resort areas, such as the Caribbean islands, the Mediterranean region and Hawaii.

Residential Hotel
    A residential hotel caters to permanent residents rather than to travellers. These hotels are similar to apartment buildings except that they provide maid and valet service and often have dining facilities. Lodgings are available on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis.


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  1. Hotels in general.

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  2. Hotels in big cities.

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  3. Hotels with luxurious facilities.

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  4. Hotels in certain areas of the world.

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Teks di atas membahas tentang hotel dan jenis-jenisnya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks di atas menceritakan hotel secara umum. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. ×

Teks di atas membahas tentang hotel dan jenis-jenisnya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks di atas menceritakan hotel secara umum.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.undefined 


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