


Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, e!

Text 4 (Questions number 16-20)

How Desert Remains Dry

    These are three possible reason why desert remain dry. These are high mountain barrier, cold ocean current and high pressure system.

    When warm air passes over the ocean it pick up moisture in the form of water vapor and this moist air travels over mountain ranges. When begins to rise, the air cool and this causes the water vapor to condense into droplets which falls as rain. When the air reaches the other side of the mountain barrier, it has lost all moisture and so the other side of the mountain remains dry.

Cold Ocean Current

    Air passing over old ocean current is cooled and therefore is unable to pick up and hold much moisture. When this cold air mass reaches the warm desert, any moisture in the air is evaporated and so does not fall as rain and so the desert remains dry.

What does the text tell about ?

What does the text tell about ?

  1. How desert remains dry

  2. How desert remains wet

  3. High pressure system

  4. High mountain barrier

  5. Cold ocean current


A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

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jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan A.

jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan A. 



Kita dapat menemukan jawaban pada judul dan kalimat pertama dalam paragraf pertama yaitu tentang How desert remains dry . Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan A .

Kita dapat menemukan jawaban pada judul dan kalimat pertama dalam paragraf pertama yaitu tentang How desert remains dry

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan A

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