

Read and practice the following dialogue! Then answer the questions!

Emma: I think Ryan's family should have stayed abroad so that Ryan could have gone to school.

Carlos: In my opinion, it is okay that Ryan wants to work. He wasted much important time at school.

Emma: I knew he was naughty boy at school. Wouldn't you agree that it's better that he has a good education so that he can have a better life than his family in the future? 

Carlos: I see what you mean, but we can't live from school. We can only live from money. Ryan has considered it.

Emma: I don't understand why you said it. Without any good education, you can earn much money.

Carlos: In my opinion, the education cannot decide how much· money you will get. The most important thing is whether you are serious or not when you are working. When you go to school, but you are not serious, you will fail. However, now you can work hard, you get much money. This is luck, right? Perhaps, Ryan's parents have thought about it. They know their own son.

Emma: Well, we will see what the future will bring. However, I appreciate what Ryan has decided.

What are they talking about?

What are they talking about?

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D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah " They are talking about Ryan's future."

jawaban yang tepat adalah "They are talking about Ryan's future."


Jawaban untuk soal tersebut adalah " They are talking about Ryan's future. " Soal tersebut menanyakan jawaban yang sesuai dengan dialog. Terjemahan dari soal adalah "Apa yang sedang mereka bicarakan?" Pada dialog, terdapat kalimat " I knew he was naughty boy at school. Wouldn't you agree that it's better that he has a good education so that he can have a better life than his family in the future? " artinya "Aku tahu dia anak nakal di sekolah. Setujukah Anda bahwa lebih baik dia mendapatkanpendidikan yang baik sehingga dia dapat memiliki kehidupan yang lebih baik daripada keluarganya di masa depan?" Berdasarkan terjemahan, dapatdisimpulkan bahwa dialog tersebut sedang membahas masa depan Ryan atau Ryan's future . Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah " They are talking about Ryan's future."

Jawaban untuk soal tersebut adalah "They are talking about Ryan's future."

Soal tersebut menanyakan jawaban yang sesuai dengan dialog. Terjemahan dari soal adalah "Apa yang sedang mereka bicarakan?"

Pada dialog, terdapat kalimat "I knew he was naughty boy at school. Wouldn't you agree that it's better that he has a good education so that he can have a better life than his family in the future?" artinya "Aku tahu dia anak nakal di sekolah. Setujukah Anda bahwa lebih baik dia mendapatkan pendidikan yang baik sehingga dia dapat memiliki kehidupan yang lebih baik daripada keluarganya di masa depan?"

Berdasarkan terjemahan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dialog tersebut sedang membahas masa depan Ryan atau Ryan's future.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah "They are talking about Ryan's future."

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Pertanyaan serupa

Does the writer give an example to support his opinion?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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