

Read the following letter! Then answer the questions!

Dear Park Manager,

    Related to the management of Hills Park, I think that cars should be banned in the park. They mustn't be parked along all park roads. The cars should be left in a central car park. We know that Hills Park was built for people, and it wasn't built for automobiles. Most visitors go to the park to get fresh air. Some want to do exercise by cycling, jogging, or walking while enjoying the beauty of the park. Children play here and there with their parent's supervision. However, the cars parked along the park roads disturb their freedom. Last week, there was a small accident in the park. A little boy was hit by a car while he was riding his bicycle. Therefore, I do really think that cars should be banned in the park roads. With this ban, joggers, bikers, and pedestrians will have free rein in the park.

Joy Ferdison

230 Hilsboro, NY

Does the writer give an example to support his opinion?

Does the writer give an example to support his opinion?

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah " Yes, he does. He mentions some examples to support his opinion."

jawaban yang tepat adalah "Yes, he does. He mentions some examples to support his opinion."



Jawaban untuk soal tersebut adalah " Yes, he does. He mentions some examples to support his opinion." Soal tersebut menanyakan jawaban yang sesuai dengan teks. Terjemahan dari soal adalah "Apakah penulis memberikan contoh untuk mendukung pendapatnya?" Pada teksterdapat kalimat " Most visitors go to the park to get fresh air. Some want to do exercise by cycling, jogging, or walking while enjoying the beauty of the park. Children play here and there with their parent's supervision . However, the cars parked along the park roads disturb their freedom. " artinya "Sebagian besar pengunjung pergi ke taman untuk mendapatkan udara segar. Ada yang ingin berolahraga dengan bersepeda, jogging, atau jalan kaki sambil menikmati keindahan taman. Anak-anak bermain di sana-sini dengan pengawasan orang tua mereka.Namun, mobil yang diparkir di sepanjang jalan taman mengganggu kebebasan mereka." Berdasarkan terjemahan, dapat disimpulkan jika penulis juga memberikan beberaoa contoh selain menyebutkan opini, atau " Yes, he does. He mentions some examples to support his opinion." Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah " Yes, he does. He mentions some examples to support his opinion."

Jawaban untuk soal tersebut adalah "Yes, he does. He mentions some examples to support his opinion."

Soal tersebut menanyakan jawaban yang sesuai dengan teks. Terjemahan dari soal adalah "Apakah penulis memberikan contoh untuk mendukung pendapatnya?"

Pada teks terdapat kalimat "Most visitors go to the park to get fresh air. Some want to do exercise by cycling, jogging, or walking while enjoying the beauty of the park. Children play here and there with their parent's supervision. However, the cars parked along the park roads disturb their freedom." artinya "Sebagian besar pengunjung pergi ke taman untuk mendapatkan udara segar. Ada yang ingin berolahraga dengan bersepeda, jogging, atau jalan kaki sambil menikmati keindahan taman. Anak-anak bermain di sana-sini dengan pengawasan orang tua mereka. Namun, mobil yang diparkir di sepanjang jalan taman mengganggu kebebasan mereka."

Berdasarkan terjemahan, dapat disimpulkan jika penulis juga memberikan beberaoa contoh selain menyebutkan opini, atau "Yes, he does. He mentions some examples to support his opinion."

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah "Yes, he does. He mentions some examples to support his opinion."

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Pertanyaan serupa

What is the speaker's opinion?



Jawaban terverifikasi


Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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