


Nindya: Let's make infused water.

Andi: Sure. What do we need to make infused?

Nindya: What flavor do you want? Do you want apple, lemon, lime, or strawberry?

Andi: Lime is nice, I think.

Nindya: Okay. So, we need limes, mineral or boiled water, and ice cubes.

Andi: What equipment do we need?

Nindya: We need a knife, a pitcher, and cups.

Andi: What should we do then?

Nindya: First, wash the limes and slice them thinly.

Andi: Like this?

Nindya: Yes. Now, fill the pitcher with mineral or boiled water and put the slices of lime in it.

Andi: What will we do with the ice cubes?

Nindya: Put the ice cubes in the pitcher to make the water cool.

Andi: Can we drink it now?

Nindya: No. We have to wait until the water is flavored and cool. It may take one or two hours. If we do not have ice cubes, we can put the pitcher in the refrigerator to cool it. After that, we can serve the infused water.

Andi: I see. I thought it was difficult, but it turns out to be easy.

What are the ice cubes for?

What are the ice cubes for?


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah to make the water cool.

jawaban yang benar adalah to make the water cool.



Soal menanyakan apa gunanya es batu. Berdasarkan percakapan, dapat diketahui bahwa es batu digunakan agar airnya dingin atau to make the water cool sebagaimana disebutkan dalam kalimat " Put the ice cubes in the pitcher to make the water cool. " Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah to make the water cool.

Soal menanyakan apa gunanya es batu.

Berdasarkan percakapan, dapat diketahui bahwa es batu digunakan agar airnya dingin atau to make the water cool sebagaimana disebutkan dalam kalimat "Put the ice cubes in the pitcher to make the water cool."

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah to make the water cool.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

How long does it take to cook the egg?



Jawaban terverifikasi


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