


The following text is for questions 31 to 34

    People should change their lifestyles in order to support our local farmers. There are several ways we can do that. One of them is buying and consuming fresh local groceries as much as possible. It includes local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.

    The fruits and vegetables that we buy from a farmer market are the freshest and tastiest ever. They are allowed ripen fully in the field and sold directly to us.

    A lot of food found in supermarkets are highly processed and grown using pesticides and genetic modification. Many of them are irradiated or gassed in transit which may bring negative effects on human health. However, local groceries are minimally processed and our farmers grow nutritious products using sustainable farming techniques.

    Buying local groceries can also protect our environment. A few groceries are distributed by areas with large amount of fuel that contributes to pollution and creates garbage from the packaging. Local groceries don't need much transportation to get to the market, so they require less time and fuel to distribute.

    So, from now on we should consume fresh local groceries to support our local farmers because they contain less pesticides, are not genetically modified, and also help reduce pollution.

We should buy and consume local groceries because ____.

We should buy and consume local groceries because ____.space 

  1. the products are healthiestundefined 

  2. the products are cheapestspace 

  3. we can chat with the farmersundefined 

  4. the products are durableundefined 

  5. we may bargain the pricesundefined 


D. Enty

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

jawaban yang tepat adalah A.undefined 




Arti dari kalimat pertanyaan soal di atas adalah "Kita harus membeli dan mengonsumsi bahan makanan lokal karena ____." Jawaban untuk soal ini dapat ditemukan di paragraf kedua yang berbunyi, " The fruits and vegetables that we buy from a farmer market are the freshest and tastiest ever. They are allowed ripen fully in the field and sold directly to us. " yang mana memiliki arti "Buah dan sayuran yang kami beli dari pasar petani adalah yang paling segar dan paling lezat. Mereka dibiarkan matang sepenuhnya di ladang dan dijual langsung kepada kami." Selain itu, jawaban juga dapat ditemukan pada kesimpulan di paragrafakhir, yaitu " we should consume fresh local groceries to support our local farmers because they contain less pesticides, are not genetically modified, ... " yang mana memiliki arti "Kita harus mengonsumsi bahan makanan lokal segar untuk mendukung petani lokal kita karena mengandung lebih sedikit pestisida, tidak dimodifikasi secara genetik , ... ". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

Arti dari kalimat pertanyaan soal di atas adalah "Kita harus membeli dan mengonsumsi bahan makanan lokal karena ____."

Jawaban untuk soal ini dapat ditemukan di paragraf kedua yang berbunyi, "The fruits and vegetables that we buy from a farmer market are the freshest and tastiest ever. They are allowed ripen fully in the field and sold directly to us." yang mana memiliki arti "Buah dan sayuran yang kami beli dari pasar petani adalah yang paling segar dan paling lezat. Mereka dibiarkan matang sepenuhnya di ladang dan dijual langsung kepada kami."

Selain itu, jawaban juga dapat ditemukan pada kesimpulan di paragraf akhir, yaitu "we should consume fresh local groceries to support our local farmers because they contain less pesticides, are not genetically modified, ... " yang mana memiliki arti "Kita harus mengonsumsi bahan makanan lokal segar untuk mendukung petani lokal kita karena mengandung lebih sedikit pestisida, tidak dimodifikasi secara genetik, ... ".

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A.undefined 

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