


This text is for questions 25 to 28. 'It's Just a Nightmare.' Trash· Collectors Overwhehned by Rising Amount of Household Waste Washington, DC (CNN, April 9, 2020): Barney Shapiro, owner of Tenleytown Trash, never expected that he would turn to the Washington National Opera's costume department to design gear for his employees. But when a member of his staff heard the National Opera was sewing masks for workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, he jumped at the chance. Shapiro's staffers haul trashin Washington, DC, and Maryland Like the entire waste management industry, Shapiro is trying to keep his employees healthy and safe, so they can handle the massive influx of household trash that is accumulating as more Americans self-quarantine at home. "Our residential volumes are drastically increased," Shapiro said "People are calling in andasking for increased services. We can't do that on a short-term basis. It's just a nightmare.'' Republic Services, one of the largest waste management companies in the US, said it expects the volume of residential garbage to increase by as much as 30%. Jn.order to redirect resources and address the growing amount of day-to-day household waste, about SO communities nationwide have paused curbside recycling pickup and dozens have suspended yard waste collection,according to the Solid Waste. Association of America. Other companies are shifting workers to residential routes and away from slower commercial routes where many of the businesses have closed. Companies are also making contingency plans in case the residential volume becomes too great or their workers get sick. Shapiro said one of his drivers and the colleague he rides with have both tested positive for coronavirus, as well as one of his administrative employees. Another driver recently said he was scared to work and is staying home, according to Shapiro. And Shapiro, who employs 32 drivers, is growing concerned that more employees will want to do the same. "I hate to say this. Those things do tend to, snowball" he said "I can't say to a driver, 'No I want you working.' Quite honestly, they're being put at risk.'' (Adopted from: Matt McFarland, https:/ fedition.cnn.com/2020/ 04/091 economy ftrash-collection-coronavirus /index.html ) Shapiro asks his staffers to work every day ____he knows that corona virus may infect them any time.

This text is for questions 25 to 28.

'It's Just a Nightmare.' Trash· Collectors Overwhehned by Rising Amount of Household Waste

Washington, DC (CNN, April 9, 2020): Barney Shapiro, owner of Tenleytown Trash, never expected that he would turn to the Washington National Opera's costume department to design gear for his employees. But when a member of his staff heard the National Opera was sewing masks for workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, he jumped at the chance.

    Shapiro's staffers haul trashin Washington, DC, and Maryland Like the entire waste management industry, Shapiro is trying to keep his employees healthy and safe, so they can handle the massive
influx of household trash that is accumulating as more Americans self-quarantine at home.

    "Our residential volumes are drastically increased," Shapiro said "People are calling in and asking for increased services. We can't do that on a short-term basis. It's just a nightmare.''

    Republic Services, one of the largest waste management companies in the US, said it expects the volume of residential garbage to increase by as much as 30%. Jn.order to redirect resources and address the growing amount of day-to-day household waste, about SO communities nationwide have paused curbside recycling pickup and dozens have suspended yard waste collection, according to the Solid Waste. Association of America. Other companies are shifting workers to residential routes and away from slower commercial routes where many of the businesses have closed.

    Companies are also making contingency plans in case the residential volume becomes too great or their workers get sick.

    Shapiro said one of his drivers and the colleague he rides with have both tested positive for coronavirus, as well as one of his administrative employees.

    Another driver recently said he was scared to work and is staying home, according to Shapiro. And Shapiro, who employs 32 drivers, is growing concerned that more employees will want to do the same.

    "I hate to say this. Those things do tend to, snowball" he said "I can't say to a driver, 'No I want you working.' Quite honestly, they're being put at risk.''

(Adopted from: Matt McFarland, https:/ fedition.cnn.com/2020/
04/091 economy ftrash-collection-coronavirus /index.html

Shapiro asks his staffers to work every day ____ he knows that corona virus may infect them any time. 

  1. asundefined 

  2. andundefined 

  3. despiteundefined 

  4. althoughundefined 

  5. becauseundefined 


A. Mulyanto

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni IKIP PGRI Semarang

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jawabannya adalah C.

jawabannya adalah C.



Konjungsi yang tepat adalah despite. Kalimat itu bila diartikan menjadi "Shapiro meminta stafnya untuk bekerja setiap hari meski dia tahu virus corona bisa menginfeksi mereka kapan saja". Dengan demikian jawabannya adalah C.

Konjungsi yang tepat adalah despite. Kalimat itu bila diartikan menjadi "Shapiro meminta stafnya untuk bekerja setiap hari meski dia tahu virus corona bisa menginfeksi mereka kapan saja".

Dengan demikian jawabannya adalah C.

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