


Match the profession and what they do. Study the example. Example: Author: ____ (a person who writes books or novles) a person who helps build houses using bricks a person who cleans/tidies an area or place, such as in an office a person who puts out fires a person who prepares food for others, often in a restaurant or cafe a person who repairs machines, especially car motors a person who cuts the meat and sells it in their shop a person who has the job of designing things a person who collects garbage and brings them to the landfill a person who keeps gardens clean and tidy. They take care of the plants in the garden a person who works in a factory a qualified person who decides cases in a law court a person who works with flowers a person who gives lectures, usually in a university Mechanic: ____

Match the profession and what they do. Study the example.


Author: ____ (a person who writes books or novles)

  • a person who helps build houses using bricks
  • a person who cleans/tidies an area or place, such as in an office
  • a person who puts out fires
  • a person who prepares food for others, often in a restaurant or cafe
  • a person who repairs machines, especially car motors
  • a person who cuts the meat and sells it in their shop
  • a person who has the job of designing things
  • a person who collects garbage and brings them to the landfill
  • a person who keeps gardens clean and tidy. They take care of the plants in the garden
  • a person who works in a factory
  • a qualified person who decides cases in a law court
  • a person who works with flowers
  • a person who gives lectures, usually in a university 

Mechanic : ____ 

  1. ....undefined 

  2. ....


H. Nz

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Padjadjaran

Jawaban terverifikasi



Soal di atas meminta kita untuk menjodohkan sebuah profesi dengan definisinya, yang tersedia dalam daftar pilihan. Profesi yang ditanyakan adalah " Mechanic ." Seorang mechanic adalah orang yang bekerja memperbaiki mesin, khususnya mobil dan sepeda motor. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah: Mechanic: a person who repairs machines, especially car motors

Soal di atas meminta kita untuk menjodohkan sebuah profesi dengan definisinya, yang tersedia dalam daftar pilihan. Profesi yang ditanyakan adalah "Mechanic." Seorang mechanic adalah orang yang bekerja memperbaiki mesin, khususnya mobil dan sepeda motor.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah:

Mechanic: a person who repairs machines, especially car motorsundefined

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