


This text is forquestions 16to 20. Many people use the Internet to search for information, to broaden their knowledge. Many others use it to chat with their friends. However, they have not optimized the functions of the Internet yet, primarily to get money. Yes, you can earn money froni the Internet. Only a few people use the Internet to earn money. This is usually done by bloggers. In their blogs, they usually write about interesting topics or issues for readers. The more peopleread the articles, by visiting the blogs, the more advertisers appear on the blogs. These are sources of money. In addition to creating a blog and filling it with interesting articles, many people try their luck by doing online businesses recently. Businesswomen usually offer shoes, handbags, wallets, scarves, veils and many other accessories. While businessmen sell equipment used by men, such as air pumps, cars or motorcycle covers, sports and fishing equipment and T-shirts. Those online sellers can earn millions of Rupiah per month! There is one more thing you can do to earn money from the Internet. You can create online games. Many youngsters often spend their weekends in an Internet cafe to play games with their colleagues. Of course, the more interesting the games you create, the more youngsters play them. Consequently, many ads will benefit from the space you provide for your games, which become your income resources! So, the Internet is not only a medium for information, knowledge, and friends but also revenue. By creating blogs andfi lling them with interesting items, bloggers can earn money from ads served on their blogs. In addition, many people start doing online businesses using the Internet, for example, selling shoes, bags, scarves for business-women, and sell vehicles, sports and fishing equipment and T-shirts for businessmen. Creative game creators can also earn money from the Internet. What do bloggers usually do to earnmoney from the Internet?

This text is for questions 16 to 20.

    Many people use the Internet to search for information, to broaden their knowledge. Many others use it to chat with their friends. However, they have not optimized the functions of the Internet yet, primarily to get money. Yes, you can earn money froni the Internet. 

    Only a few people use the Internet to earn money. This is usually done by bloggers. In their blogs, they usually write about interesting topics or issues for readers. The more people read the articles, by visiting the blogs, the more advertisers appear on the blogs. These are sources of money.

    In addition to creating a blog and filling it with interesting articles, many people try their luck by doing online businesses recently. Businesswomen usually offer shoes, handbags, wallets, scarves, veils and many other accessories. While businessmen sell equipment used by men, such as air pumps, cars or motorcycle covers, sports and fishing equipment and T-shirts. Those online sellers can earn millions of Rupiah per month!

    There is one more thing you can do to earn money from the Internet. You can create online games. Many youngsters often spend their weekends in an Internet cafe to play games with their colleagues. Of course, the more interesting the games you create, the more youngsters play them. Consequently, many ads will benefit from the space you provide for your games, which become your income resources!

    So, the Internet is not only a medium for information, knowledge, and friends but also revenue. By creating blogs andfi lling them with interesting items, bloggers can earn money from ads served on their blogs. In addition, many people start doing online businesses using the Internet, for example, selling shoes, bags, scarves for business-women, and sell vehicles, sports and fishing equipment and T-shirts for businessmen. Creative game creators can also earn money from the Internet.

What do bloggers usually do to earn money from the Internet?space 

  1. Writing about interesting topics or issues.undefined 

  2. Providing interesting online games.undefined 

  3. Informing about the benefit of being bloggers.undefined 

  4. Persuading people to become bloggers.undefined 

  5. Relating stories as successful bloggers.undefined 


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah, A. Writing about interesting topics or issues.

jawabannya adalah, A. Writing about interesting topics or issues.




Untuk menemukan apa yang dilakukan oleh bloggers untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet, temukan paragraf yang menceritakan tentang bloggers . Berdasarkan teks, dapat dilihat bahwa paragraf kedua merupakan paragraf yang menceritakan tentang bloggers . Paragraf tersebut menjelaskan bahwa bloggers biasanya mendapatkan uang dari internet dengan cara menulis tentang topik dan isu yang menarik bagi pembaca. Semakin banyak orang membaca artikel mereka, maka semakin banyak yang mengunjungi blognya dan banyak iklan yang akan muncul pada blog tersebut. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa bloggers biasanya menulis tentang hal dan isu menarik untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet. Jadi jawabannya adalah, A. Writing about interesting topics or issues.

Untuk menemukan apa yang dilakukan oleh bloggers untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet, temukan paragraf yang menceritakan tentang bloggers

Berdasarkan teks, dapat dilihat bahwa paragraf kedua merupakan paragraf yang menceritakan tentang bloggers

Paragraf tersebut menjelaskan bahwa bloggers biasanya mendapatkan uang dari internet dengan cara menulis tentang topik dan isu yang menarik bagi pembaca. Semakin banyak orang membaca artikel mereka, maka semakin banyak yang mengunjungi blognya dan banyak iklan yang akan muncul pada blog tersebut.

Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa bloggers biasanya menulis tentang hal dan isu menarik untuk mendapatkan uang dari internet.

Jadi jawabannya adalah, A. Writing about interesting topics or issues.

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