


Activity 3. Read the text aloud. Study the structure of the text. What has one billion users and doubles as the second largest search engine on the Internet? The answer is YouTube. This search engine has been an incredible tool for most businesses. Unfortunately, not many businesses make use of it. I want to share why YouTube is such an significantpatform for your brand. It is said that YouTube is the second largest search engine, while its parent company Google is the first. Do you know what it means? It means Google gives search engine priority to YouTube videos. Try to search for a "how to" on Google, then the results come back with several videos related to the "how to". The videos may have even been the first results on the page even though some of these videos date back several years, to 2011 and before! Even without relying on Google, your chance of getting discovered on YouTube alone is very high. By using the right keywords for your videos (actual phrases that your customers will use to locate your content), you can increase the odds of discovery. Furthermore, you can use YouTube to keep the audience's attention. Ultimately, you can turn your audience from leads into customers by building trust. Consequently, you need to also provide something valuable to your audience so that they remain interested in what you have to say. That value could be a how-to, a product demo, or a freebie found on your site. Based on the arguments above, I believe that YouTube is beneficial to promote and expand your businesses. So, what are you waiting for? Make one now. Adopted from: https://kickofflabs.com/blog/you-should-be-on-youtube-heres-why/ (March 15, 2019) Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 3. How can you build trust in your products or services among your videos' audience?

Activity 3.

Read the text aloud.
Study the structure of the text.

    What has one billion users and doubles as the second largest search engine on the Internet? The answer is YouTube. This search engine has been an incredible tool for most businesses. Unfortunately, not many businesses make use of it. I want to share why YouTube is such an significant patform for your brand.

    It is said that YouTube is the second largest search engine, while its parent company Google is the first. Do you know what it means? It means Google gives search engine priority to YouTube videos. Try to search for a "how to" on Google, then the results come back with several videos related to the "how to". The videos may have even been the first results on the page even though some of these videos date back several years, to 2011 and before!

    Even without relying on Google, your chance of getting discovered on YouTube alone is very high. By using the right keywords for your videos (actual phrases that your customers will use to locate your content), you can increase the odds of discovery.

    Furthermore, you can use YouTube to keep the audience's attention. Ultimately, you can turn your audience from leads into customers by building trust. Consequently, you need to also provide something valuable to your audience so that they remain interested in what you have to say. That value could be a how-to, a product demo, or a freebie found on your site.

Based on the arguments above, I believe that YouTube is beneficial to promote and expand your businesses. So, what are you waiting for? Make one now.

Adopted from: https://kickofflabs.com/blog/you-should-be-on-youtube-heres-why/ (March 15, 2019)

Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 3.

How can you build trust in your products or services among your videos' audience?space 


R. Rani

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah You need to also provide something valuable to your audience so that they remain interested in what you have to say.

jawaban yang benar adalah You need to also provide something valuable to your audience so that they remain interested in what you have to say.




Soal menanyakan bagaimana kita bisa membangun kepercayaanpada produk atau jasa diantara para penonton video. Isi dari paragraf 4 adalah," Furthermore, you can use YouTube to keep the audience's attention. Ultimately, you can turn your audience from leads into customers by building trust. Consequently, you need to also provide something valuable to your audience so that they remain interested in what you have to say. That value could be a how-to, a product demo, or a freebie found on your site " . Berdasarkan teks di atas, "Cara untuk membangun kepercayaan dengan audiensmu adalah dengan memberikan hal yang berguna sehingga mereka tetap tertarik dengan yang kamu bicarakan, contohnya how-to, product demo, atau freebies ". Seperti yang disebutkan dalam kalimat berikut ini. " You need to also provide something valuable to your audience so that they remain interested in what you have to say. That value could be a how-to, a product demo, or a freebie found on your site. " Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah You need to also provide something valuable to your audience so that they remain interested in what you have to say.

Soal menanyakan bagaimana kita bisa membangun kepercayaan pada produk atau jasa diantara para penonton video.

Isi dari paragraf 4 adalah," Furthermore, you can use YouTube to keep the audience's attention. Ultimately, you can turn your audience from leads into customers by building trust. Consequently, you need to also provide something valuable to your audience so that they remain interested in what you have to say. That value could be a how-to, a product demo, or a freebie found on your site".

Berdasarkan teks di atas, "Cara untuk membangun kepercayaan dengan audiensmu adalah dengan memberikan hal yang berguna sehingga mereka tetap tertarik dengan yang kamu bicarakan, contohnya how-to, product demo, atau freebies". Seperti yang disebutkan dalam kalimat berikut ini. "You need to also provide something valuable to your audience so that they remain interested in what you have to say. That value could be a how-to, a product demo, or a freebie found on your site."

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah You need to also provide something valuable to your audience so that they remain interested in what you have to say.

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