


This text is forquestions 11 to 15. Developing information technology enables cell phone manufacturers to compete by releasing more sophisticated phones. This fact may trigger people to buy the latest cell phones. What about you? Are you one of those people? Let me tell you something. Don't be hasty when buying cell phones. There are many things you need to consider. First, you can start by asking yourself about the usefulness of the equipment. The question might be, "Do I want it for prestige or its usefulness?" Be honest with yourself. Then, you should inake a choice on the type of cell phone. There are various choices in the market, so you should decide the one that meets your needs and whether you can afford it or not. The consequence of using a cell phone is its high operational costs. You have to pay more for a cell phone compared to a fixed telephone. Besides, since you can use a cell phone to access the Internet, then you should obtain the Internet data which is costly. Therefore, you have to provide an extra budget for it. Considering the above statements, you should think further before deciding to buy a cell phone. Remember, be reasonable before making a decision. What is the text about?

This text is for questions 11 to 15.

    Developing information technology enables cell phone manufacturers to compete by releasing more sophisticated phones. This fact may trigger people to buy the latest cell phones. What about you? Are you one of those people? Let me tell you something. Don't be hasty when buying cell phones. There are many things you need to consider.

    First, you can start by asking yourself about the usefulness of the equipment. The question might be, "Do I want it for prestige or its usefulness?" Be honest with yourself.

    Then, you should inake a choice on the type of cell phone. There are various choices in the market, so you should decide the one that meets your needs and whether you can afford it or not.

    The consequence of using a cell phone is its high operational costs. You have to pay more for a cell phone compared to a fixed telephone. Besides, since you can use a cell phone to access the Internet, then you should obtain the Internet data which is costly. Therefore, you have to provide an extra budget for it.

    Considering the above statements, you should think further before deciding to buy a cell phone. Remember, be reasonable before making a decision.

What is the text about? 

  1. The various types of cell phones.undefined 

  2. How to use a cell phone effectively.undefined 

  3. The advantages of using a cell phone.undefined 

  4. The consequences of using a cell phone.undefined 

  5. Points to think further before buying a cell phone.undefined 


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah, E. Points to think further before buying a cellphone.

jawabannya adalah, E. Points to think further before buying a cellphone.




Teks ini merupakan artikel yang memberikan informasi terkait membeli telepon selular dan apa yang harus dipertimbangkan ketika membelinya. Teks ini menjelaskan informasi dan fakta yang penulis ketahui tentang membeli telepon selular dan memberikan opininya terkait fakta tersebut kemudian menyusunnya dalam paragraf dengan susunan yang rapi dan teratur dimulai dengan bagaimana seseorang harus memikirkan apa tujuan membeli hingga cara memilih tipe telepon selular yang sesuai bagi orang tersebut. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks ini berisi tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan membeli telepon selular. Jadi jawabannya adalah, E. Points to think further before buying a cellphone.

Teks ini merupakan artikel yang memberikan informasi terkait membeli telepon selular dan apa yang harus dipertimbangkan ketika membelinya.

Teks ini menjelaskan informasi dan fakta yang penulis ketahui tentang membeli telepon selular dan memberikan opininya terkait fakta tersebut kemudian menyusunnya dalam paragraf dengan susunan yang rapi dan teratur dimulai dengan bagaimana seseorang harus memikirkan apa tujuan membeli hingga cara memilih tipe telepon selular yang sesuai bagi orang tersebut.

Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks ini berisi tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan membeli telepon selular.

Jadi jawabannya adalah, E. Points to think further before buying a cellphone.

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