


This text is for questions 6 to 10. Today, it is not surprising to see that many children are familiar with the Internet. The Internet is important, but controlling children accessing it is a must. This is because of the following reasons. Websites on the Internet are easily opened by everyone around the world. The websites may contain bad and inappropriate articles, pictures and videos. Children can't filter which one they should see and which they should not. The Internet can also make children addicted. Moreover, there are many websites providing online games for children. If we can't control them, they will play the games for hours without stopping. This is absolutely not good for them. Besides, if children access the Internet too often, they may not have a good social life. They won't be able to get along with their friends. Furthermore, this may make them anti-social. Thus, it is clear that we should control children when they access the Internet. What is the text mainly about?

This text is for questions 6 to 10.

    Today, it is not surprising to see that many children are familiar with the Internet. The Internet is important, but controlling children accessing it is a must. This is because of the following reasons.

    Websites on the Internet are easily opened by everyone around the world. The websites may contain bad and inappropriate articles, pictures and videos. Children can't filter which one they should see and which they should not.

    The Internet can also make children addicted. Moreover, there are many websites providing online games for children. If we can't control them, they will play the games for hours without stopping. This is absolutely not good for them.

    Besides, if children access the Internet too often, they may not have a good social life. They won't be able to get along with their friends. Furthermore, this may make them anti-social.

    Thus, it is clear that we should control children when they access the Internet.

What is the text mainly about?space 

  1. Dangerous websites for children.undefined 

  2. The danger of the Internet for children.undefined 

  3. The time duration for children accessing the Internet.undefined 

  4. The control over childfen's access on the Internet.undefined 

  5. The reasons children should minimize Internet usage.undefined 


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah D. the control over children's access on the internet .

jawaban yang tepat adalah D. the control over children's access on the internet




Soal di atas menanyakan inti dari keseluruhan isi teks analytical exposition yang tertera. Untuk menjawab soal seperti ini, kita dapat fokus membaca paragraf pertama saja karena paragraf pertama biasanya adalahinti untuk mengetahui topik yang dibahas di dalam teks. Perhatikan kalimat dua paragraf 1 yang tertulis the internet is important, but controlling children accessing it is a must yang artinya "internet itu penting, tapi mengawasi anak-anak saat mengakses internetadalah suatu keharusan". Kata it merujuk pada "internet". Dari kalimat tersebut kita dapat mengetahui bahwa teks di atas hendak memberikan informasi berisi alasan mengapa orang dewasa, khususnya orang tua harus mengawasi anaknya saat menggunakan internet. Dari pilihan jawaban yang tercantum, jawaban yang paling tepat untuk menjawab soal ini adalah D. Thecontrol over children's access on the internet yang artinya "pengawasan terhadap akses internet anak-anak". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. the control over children's access on the internet .

Soal di atas menanyakan inti dari keseluruhan isi teks analytical exposition yang tertera. Untuk menjawab soal seperti ini, kita dapat fokus membaca paragraf pertama saja karena paragraf pertama  biasanya adalah inti untuk mengetahui topik yang dibahas di dalam teks. 

Perhatikan kalimat dua paragraf 1 yang tertulis the internet is important, but controlling children accessing it is a must yang artinya "internet itu penting, tapi mengawasi anak-anak saat mengakses internet adalah suatu keharusan". Kata it merujuk pada "internet". Dari kalimat tersebut kita dapat mengetahui bahwa teks di atas hendak memberikan informasi berisi alasan mengapa orang dewasa, khususnya orang tua harus mengawasi anaknya saat menggunakan internet. 

Dari pilihan jawaban yang tercantum, jawaban yang paling tepat untuk menjawab soal ini adalah D. The control over children's access on the internet yang artinya "pengawasan terhadap akses internet anak-anak". 

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. the control over children's access on the internet. 

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