


This incomplete text is for numbers 18 to 20 The following are ways to make your electric stove looking 18) ____again. First,remove the burners. Make sure the stoves are off and completely cooled down before you -begin cleaning ... Then, carefully lift each, burner and gently tug out of the socket. If they 19) ____ quickly, do not force them. Clean them in place instead. Once you've removed or lifted the burners, slip (he drip pars out and soak them in a sink of hot, soapy water for 15 minutes while you proceed with cleaning the burners and cooktop. After the drip pans have soaked, scrub' them with a scouring pad to dislodge as much cooked on gunk as possible. Remove any remaining residue on the drip pans and get them shiny again with a paste made from equal parts cream of tartar and white vinegar. 20) ____ this on well, let it sit 20 minutes and then rinse under hot water, scrubbing as· needed until clean 19: ___

This incomplete text is for numbers 18 to 20

The following are ways to make your electric stove looking 18) ____ again. First, remove the burners. Make sure the stoves are off and completely cooled down before you -begin cleaning ... Then, carefully lift each, burner and gently tug out of the socket. If they 19) ____ quickly, do not force them. Clean them in place instead. Once you've removed or lifted the burners, slip (he drip pars out and soak them in a sink of hot, soapy water for 15 minutes while you proceed with cleaning the burners and cooktop. After the drip pans have soaked, scrub' them with a scouring pad to dislodge as much cooked on gunk as possible. Remove any remaining residue on the drip pans and get them shiny again with a paste made from equal parts cream of tartar and white vinegar. 20) ____ this on well, let it sit 20 minutes and then rinse under hot water, scrubbing as· needed until clean 

19: ___

  1. come out

  2. will come out

  3. comes out

  4. do not come out

  5. would come out


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D. Do not come out

jawaban yang benar adalah D. Do not come out




Pada soal ini kita diminta untuk melengkapi paragraf yang rumpang. "If they 19) ____ quickly, do not force them," artinya apabila mereka ___ dengan cepat, jangan dipaksakan . Kalimat setelah kalimat nomor 19adalah; "Clean them in place instead ," yang berarti bersihkan di tempat saja . Dari sini kita bisa mengetahui, bahwa benda itutidak harus dikeluarkan untuk dibersihkan. Maka, kalimat nomor 19 seharusnya; apabila mereka tidak keluar dengan cepat, jangan dipaksakan . Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D. Do not come out

Pada soal ini kita diminta untuk melengkapi paragraf yang rumpang.

"If they 19) ____ quickly, do not force them," artinya apabila mereka ___ dengan cepat, jangan dipaksakan.

Kalimat setelah kalimat nomor 19 adalah;"Clean them in place instead," yang berarti bersihkan di tempat saja.

Dari sini kita bisa mengetahui, bahwa benda itu tidak harus dikeluarkan untuk dibersihkan. Maka, kalimat nomor 19 seharusnya; apabila mereka tidak keluar dengan cepat, jangan dipaksakan

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D. Do not come out

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Pertanyaan serupa

Complete the following sentences with positive or negative imperatives by choosing the suitable base verbs in the box! 4. ____the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly .at plugs.



Jawaban terverifikasi


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