


How to Make Organic Pesticides Combine 2 1 ​ cup of hot peppers with cup of garlic cloves or onions. You may also use both onions and garlic. All the vegetables should be chopped prior to use. Blend the vegetables together in an electric blender. A thick, chunky paste should form. Add the vegetable paste to 2 cups of warm water. Thoroughly mix the ingredients together. Pour the solution into a plastic or glass container and allow it to sit for 24 hours. If possible, keep it in a sunny location. If not at least keep the mixture in a warm spot Strain the mixture. Pour the solution through a strainer: removing the vegetables and collecting the vegetable-infused waterinto another container.This water is yourpestidde. Pour your pesticide into a squirt bottle. Make sure that the spray bottle has first been cleaned with warm water and soap to rid it of any potential contaminants. Spray your plants with the pesticide. Treat the infected plants every four to five days. After three or four treatments, the pests should scatter. If the area is thoroughly covered, this pesticide should keep bugs away for the rest of the season. Taken from: http://www. wikihow.com/ Make-Organic-Pesticide ". . . and soap to rid it of any potential contaminants." The underlined·word has similar meaning to

How to Make Organic Pesticides

  1. Combine  cup of hot peppers with undefined cup of garlic cloves or onions. You may also use both onions and garlic. All the vegetables should be chopped prior to use.
  2. Blend the vegetables together in an electric blender. A thick, chunky paste should form.
  3. Add the vegetable paste to 2 cups of warm water. Thoroughly mix the ingredients together.
  4. Pour the solution into a plastic or glass container and allow it to sit for 24 hours. If possible, keep it in a sunny location. If not at least keep the mixture in a warm spot
  5. Strain the mixture. Pour the solution through a strainer: removing the vegetables and collecting the vegetable-infused water into another container. This water is your pestidde. 
  6. Pour your pesticide into a squirt bottle. Make sure that the spray bottle has first been cleaned with warm water and soap to rid it of any potential contaminants. 
  7. Spray your plants with the pesticide. Treat the infected plants every four to five days. After three or four treatments, the pests should scatter. If the area is thoroughly covered, this pesticide should keep bugs away for the rest of the season.

Taken from: http://www. wikihow.com/

". . . and soap to rid it of any potential contaminants." The underlined·word has similar meaning to

  1. clear

  2. keep

  3. hold

  4. create

  5. bear


A. Kencana

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah clear (A).

jawaban yang tepat adalah clear (A).



Pada soal ini diminta untuk mencari persamaan kata rid . Rid termasuk kata kerja. Rid diartikanmembersihkan, membebaskan, dan menyelamatkan. Pada konteks kalimat ini, rid diartikan membersihkan. "... and soap to rid it of any potential contaminants " Sabuni untuk membersihkan botol dari kemungkinan kontaminasi" Pada pilihan jawaban, clear : membersihkan, keep : menjaga, hold : menahan, create : membuat, bear : menahan. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah clear (A).

Pada soal ini diminta untuk mencari persamaan kata rid. Rid termasuk kata kerja. Rid diartikan membersihkan, membebaskan, dan menyelamatkan. Pada konteks kalimat ini, rid diartikan membersihkan. "...and soap to rid it of any potential contaminants " Sabuni untuk membersihkan botol dari kemungkinan kontaminasi"

Pada pilihan jawaban, clear: membersihkan, keep: menjaga, hold : menahan, create: membuat, bear : menahan.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah clear (A).

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Complete the following sentences with positive or negative imperatives by choosing the suitable base verbs in the box! 4. ____the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly .at plugs.



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