

This graph for question number 4 - 6 The following statements are true based on the information on the graph above, except ...

This graph for question number 4 - 6

The following statements are true based on the information on the graph above, except ...

  1. Over the time, leatherback turtle’s number dropped significantly and reached to only 60 units.

  2. In the case of Olive Ridley turtles, this species continually expanded, according to the index, till 1997 and then showed some fluctuations with a sharp drop in 2012 when it was just over 120 units.

  3. The green turtle’s index indicates that a rapid oscillation was visible in the population of this turtle whose population, however, slightly dropped and they were just over 90 units in 2012.

  4. The index of leatherback turtles did not change significantly, though there were many ups and downs in this number.

  5. The important information that the diagram provides is the number of various types of turtle species: 19 for leatherback turtles, 38 for green turtles and 20 for Olive Ridley.

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Y. Yuli.Widya

Master Teacher

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Dari grafik di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa jumlah populasi All Species lah yang tidak menunjukkan perubahan yang signifikan meskipun banyak terjadi penurunan dan peningkatan dalam jumlahnya dari tahun ke tahun.

Dari grafik di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa jumlah populasi All Species lah yang tidak menunjukkan perubahan yang signifikan meskipun banyak terjadi penurunan dan peningkatan dalam jumlahnya dari tahun ke tahun.

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Pertanyaan serupa

This graph for question number 4 - 6 What can be compared according to the line chart above?



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