


There was once a merchant and his donkey who would walk a narrow path and crossed the a stream to get to the market where he could sell his salt. The merchant used his donkey to carry the salt bag to the market every day. One day the donkey suddenly tumbled down the stream and the salt bag also fell into the water. The salt dissolved in the water and hence the bag became very light to carry. The donkey was happy.Then, it started to play the same trick every day. The merchant came to understand the trick and decided to teach a lesson to it. The next day he loaded a cotton bag on the donkey. Again it played the same trick hoping that the cotton bag would be still become lighter.But the dampened cotton became very heavy to carry and the donkey suffered. The merchant were not mad nor did he scream at the donkey for fooling him and yet it learnt a lesson. It didn’t play the trick anymore after that day because it realized that luck would not last forever, and the seller was happy A coda is an additional and optional part at the end of a narrative that …

  1. There was once a merchant and his donkey who would walk a narrow path and crossed the a stream to get to the market where he could sell his salt. The merchant used his donkey to carry the salt bag to the market every day.
  2. One day the donkey suddenly tumbled down the stream and the salt bag also fell into the water. The salt dissolved in the water and hence the bag became very light to carry. The donkey was happy.Then, it started to play the same trick every day.
  3. The merchant came to understand the trick and decided to teach a lesson to it. The next day he loaded a cotton bag on the donkey.
  4. Again it played the same trick hoping that the cotton bag would be still become lighter.But the dampened cotton became very heavy to carry and the donkey suffered.
  5. The merchant were not mad nor did he scream at the donkey for fooling him and yet it learnt a lesson. It didn’t play the trick anymore after that day because it realized that luck would not last forever, and the seller was happy

A coda is an additional and optional part at the end of a narrative that …

  1. ends the story in a happy, sad or mysterious ending.

  2. tells the solution of the problem and end the story nicely.

  3. contains moral value or tells behaviour change of a character or both.

  4. narrate how a character improve and become a better person than before.

  5. pointed the moral value of the text and summarize the story comprehensively.


S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

jawaban yang tepat adalah C.



Koda adalah bagian tambahan yang sifatnya opsional (boleh ada tapi boleh juga tidak) yang terletak di bagian akhir teks naratif, tepatnya setelahbagian resolution. Koda menampilkan pesan moral atau gambaran tentang perubahan sifat yang dialami suatu tokoh setelah melalui serangkaian peristiwa. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Koda adalah bagian tambahan yang sifatnya opsional (boleh ada tapi boleh juga tidak) yang terletak di bagian akhir teks naratif, tepatnya setelah  bagian resolution. Koda menampilkan pesan moral atau gambaran tentang perubahan sifat yang dialami suatu tokoh setelah melalui serangkaian peristiwa. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

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