


Questions 41 – 43 are based on the following text.

Keumalahayati, or Malahayati(16th century), was an admiral in the navy of theAceh Sultanate, which ruled the area of modernAceh Province,Sumatra,Indonesia. She was the first woman admiral in the modern world.

Malahayati's reputation as the guardian of the Aceh Kingdom ledEnglandto choose a peaceful, diplomatic method by which to enter the Malacca Strait. A letter fromQueen Elizabeth Iwas brought byJames Lancasterto the Sultan, and it was Malahayati who led the negotiation with Lancaster. The agreement opened the English route to Java, and they were soon afterwards able to build merchant offices inBanten. Elizabeth I rewarded Lancaster with aknighthoodfor his successful diplomacy in Aceh and Banten.

Malahayati was killed in combat while attacking the Portuguese fleet at Teuluk Krueng Raya. She was buried at lereng Bukit Kota Dalam, a small fishing village 34km from Banda Aceh.

Today, Malahayati has become the namesake for naval ships, universities, hospitals and roads in several Sumatran cities.

The text is written to ... .

The text is written to ... .

  1. know the name of streets, ships and universities in Aceh

  2. give reward to Queen Elizabeth 1 for the negosiation

  3. remind us of a heroic woman from Aceh Sultanate

  4. explain admiral in Aceh Sultanate


R. Rani

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Soal di atas menanyakan tujuan dari penulisan wacana tersebut ( The text is written to .... ) Dari wacana di atas dapat kita ketahui bahwa isinya adalah tentang seorang pahlawan wanita dari Aceh yaitu Malahayati. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa tujuan dari penulisan wacana di atas adalah untuk mengingatkan kita pada wanita heroik dari kesultanan Aceh atau remind us of a heroic woman from Aceh Sultanate. Maka, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Soal di atas menanyakan tujuan dari penulisan wacana tersebut (The text is written to ....) Dari wacana di atas dapat kita ketahui bahwa isinya adalah tentang seorang pahlawan wanita dari Aceh yaitu Malahayati.

Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa tujuan dari penulisan wacana di atas adalah untuk mengingatkan kita pada wanita heroik dari kesultanan Aceh atau remind us of a heroic woman from Aceh Sultanate.

Maka, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

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