


The text is for the following question. Non-verbal communication is defined as communication between people by means other than speech. Non-verbal communication (NVC) derives from the following major sources: eye contact (amount of looking at another person's body and face); mouth (especially smiling or grimacing in relation to eye contact); posture (for example, sitting forwardor backward); gesture (as with the use of arm movements when talking); orientation (of the body to the addressee); body distance (as when we stand too close or too far away from others); smell (including perfumes); skin (including pigmentation, blushing and texture); hair (including length, texture and style); clothes (with particular reference to fashion). Non-verbal communication is not quite the same as "body language" because any claim about a language must refer to an agreed and identifiable grammar and syntax. NVC is not always so precise or advanced; the vocabulary of non-verbal signs is more limited than speech. Even so, it is a mistake to consider NVC as isolated from speech. Instead, some complex interaction is envisaged between word and body signal, and one that is not always complementary, imagine yourself interviewing job applicants. You might not offer employment to a candidate who refuses to look at you, always frowns, hunches both shoulders, sweats a lot, and has a Mohican haircut despite the fact that he or she gives thoughtful and interesting replies to your questions. Take eye contact as an example for discussion. Mutual eye contact (where both people look into each other's eyes) can be a sign of liking, but prolonged gaze leads to discomfort. The directed eye contact violates a code of looking, where eye contact is frequently broken but return to, and leads to depersonalization of the victim because an aggressor deliberately breaks the rules which the victim adheres to. Eye contact is often enhanced by size of pupils, eyebrow inflection and movement, and smiling. (Adapted from O'sullivan, Tim, et.al., 1994. Key concept in Communication and cultural studies. 2nd. Ed. New York: Routledge) The purpose of the text is to …. (SBMPTN 2014)

The text is for the following question.

    Non-verbal communication is defined as communication between people by means other than speech. Non-verbal communication (NVC) derives from the following major sources: eye contact (amount of looking at another person's body and face); mouth (especially smiling or grimacing in relation to eye contact); posture (for example, sitting forward or backward); gesture (as with the use of arm movements when talking); orientation (of the body to the addressee); body distance (as when we stand too close or too far away from others); smell (including perfumes); skin (including pigmentation, blushing and texture);  hair (including length, texture and style); clothes (with particular reference to fashion).

    Non-verbal communication is not quite the same as "body language" because any claim about a language must refer to an agreed and identifiable grammar and syntax. NVC is not always so precise or advanced; the vocabulary of non-verbal signs is more limited than speech. Even so, it is a mistake to consider NVC as isolated from speech. Instead, some complex interaction is envisaged between word and body signal, and one that is not always complementary, imagine yourself interviewing job applicants. You might not offer employment to a candidate who refuses to look at you, always frowns, hunches both shoulders, sweats a lot, and has a Mohican haircut despite the fact that he or she gives thoughtful and interesting replies to your questions.

    Take eye contact as an example for discussion. Mutual eye contact (where both people look into each other's eyes) can be a sign of liking, but prolonged gaze leads to discomfort. The directed eye contact violates a code of looking, where eye contact is frequently broken but return to, and leads to depersonalization of the victim because an aggressor deliberately breaks the rules which the victim adheres to. Eye contact is often enhanced by size of pupils, eyebrow inflection and movement, and smiling.

(Adapted from O'sullivan, Tim, et.al., 1994. Key concept in Communication and cultural studies. 2nd. Ed. New York: Routledge)


The purpose of the text is to …. (SBMPTN 2014)  

  1. present the result of research undefined 

  2. define non-verbal communication undefined 

  3. describe the real situation of job interview undefined 

  4. provide examples of non-verbal communication undefined 

  5. explain the role of non-verbal communication in communication undefined 


A. Ainun

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah B.

pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah B. undefined 



Soal menanyakan tujuan teks ini dibuat. Paragraf pertama membahas definisi darikomunikasi non-verbal, yaitu komunikasi dengan cara selain ucapan, dan sumber-sumber komunikasi ini, contohnya kontak mata, isyarat, dan orientasi. Paragraf kedua membahas bahwa walaupun komunikasi non-verbal tidak sama dengan bahasa tubuh, komunikasi verbal tidak dipisahkan dari ranah bahasa. Paragraf ketiga dimulai dengan kalimat " Take eye contact as an example for discussion. " dan dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan secara lebih mendalam. Sebelumnya, eye contact telah disebutkan pada paragraf pertama sebagai salah satu dari beberapa sumber komunikasi non-verbal. Sehingga, paragraf ini membahascontoh bentuk komunikasi non-verbal yaitu eye contact. Dari pokok bahasanyang ada pada paragraf satu, dua dan tiga terlihat bahwa semuanya berbicara tentang komunikasi non-verbal. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tujuan dari teks in adalah menjelaskan tentang komunikasi non-verbal ( define non-verbal communication ). Pilihan A tidak tepat karena di teks tidak disebutkan bahwa isinya adalah hasil dari penelitian tertentu. Pilihan C tidak tepat karenatidak ada penjelasan mengenai hal ini di teks. Wawancara kerja di teks hanya berfungsi sebagai contoh penggunaan isyarat kata dan tubuh. Pilihan D tidak tepat karena hanya ada satu contoh komunikasi non-verbal yang disebutkan pada teks dan hanya ada di paragraf terakhir. Pilihan E tidak tepat karena informasi ini hanya dibahas di paragraf dua. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah B.

Soal menanyakan tujuan teks ini dibuat.

Paragraf pertama membahas definisi dari komunikasi non-verbal, yaitu komunikasi dengan cara selain ucapan, dan sumber-sumber komunikasi ini, contohnya kontak mata, isyarat, dan orientasi.

Paragraf kedua membahas bahwa walaupun komunikasi non-verbal tidak sama dengan bahasa tubuh, komunikasi verbal tidak dipisahkan dari ranah bahasa.

Paragraf ketiga dimulai dengan kalimat "Take eye contact as an example for discussion." dan dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan secara lebih mendalam. Sebelumnya, eye contact telah disebutkan pada paragraf pertama sebagai salah satu dari beberapa sumber komunikasi non-verbal. Sehingga, paragraf ini membahas contoh bentuk komunikasi non-verbal yaitu eye contact.

Dari pokok bahasan yang ada pada paragraf satu, dua dan tiga terlihat bahwa semuanya berbicara tentang komunikasi non-verbal. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tujuan dari teks in adalah menjelaskan tentang komunikasi non-verbal (define non-verbal communication).

Pilihan A tidak tepat karena di teks tidak disebutkan bahwa isinya adalah hasil dari penelitian tertentu.

Pilihan C tidak tepat karena tidak ada penjelasan mengenai hal ini di teks. Wawancara kerja di teks hanya berfungsi sebagai contoh penggunaan isyarat kata dan tubuh.

Pilihan D tidak tepat karena hanya ada satu contoh komunikasi non-verbal yang disebutkan pada teks dan hanya ada di paragraf terakhir.

Pilihan E tidak tepat karena informasi ini hanya dibahas di paragraf dua.

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah B. undefined 

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