


    Whether the tree is a coniferous or deciduous tree, where it bears fruit or not, whether it grows in the tropics or in the temperature zone, each tree consists of three parts: roots, stems and crowns. The root, part of the underground tree, holds the tree firmly against the wind and feeds the trees that are collected from the ground.

    The trunk, which is the most important part of wood, is the body of the tree; it carries food from roots to branches. The crown of the tree consists of branches, leaves and fruits from the tree. The leaves use food derived from the stem for various purposes, one of which is called photosynthesis.

    Leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Individual progress is very important for human life, because people breathe oxygen.

The main text information is about ..

The main text information is about ..

  1. Difference between coniferous and deciduous species

  2. The climate in which various species of trees grow

  3. general function of the tree

  4. Description of the photosynthesis process

  5. The use of tree leaves for humans


S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan C.

jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan C.



Teks di atas secara keseluruhan membahas tentang fungsi pohon. Paragraf pertama membahas fungsi akar, paragraf kedua membahas fungsi batang, dan paragraf ketiga membahas tentang daun. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan C.

Teks di atas secara keseluruhan membahas tentang fungsi pohon. Paragraf pertama membahas fungsi akar, paragraf kedua membahas fungsi batang, dan paragraf ketiga membahas tentang daun.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan C.

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Work in pairs. Complete the gaps with the right words provided in the box to make the correct proverbs. You can't teach an old ____new trick.



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