


Read the following text! Then, complete the statements that follow! Share your work with the class!

    The Harau Valley is sometimes known as the Yosemite of Indonesia. Here, gibbons, macaques and a variety of wildlife still roam freely as this area in the Lima Puluh Kota District, West Sumatra has been designated nature conservation, covering some 669 acres. Its beautiful landscape and peaceful serenity interrupted only by the calls of the macaques and the chirping of birds, make the Harau Valley the perfect holiday getaway.

    The steep rock walls here are not only a natural invitation to photographers, but they also attract rock climbers who consider climbing these steep walls a significant challenge. There are 300 spots from where Main Idea to climb up. Looking up, the clear blue sky above is the ultimate finish line as you grab the belay devices, carabineers, and necessary ropes to reach the heights of the Harau Valley. This valley is infrequently visited so that you may have the whole valley all to yourself.

    Relaxing is one of the best time-elapsing activities here. Take time for a short walk around the village and watch how people live. Some of the women here work at rice fields while men plow the fields behind water buffalos, providing the perfect shot for you to take.

    Public transportation is available for those wishing to spend the entire vacation time in and around Bukittinggi. Else, renting a minivan or motorbike will guarantee the time well spent for day-trippers to these Minangkabau highlands. A bus from Bukittinggi going to Pekanbaru will surely stop by the crossroad to the Harau Valley, locally known as Lembah Harau. It takes a little over an hour from Bukittinggi. If you take a rented car or motorcycle, just pass through the narrow road where a bunch of motorized taxis or tricycle riders will approach anyone alighting from public transport.

    You can go to the valley by opelet, a motorized pedicab. As the region is a nature reserve, you must pay an entrance fee, although the officer can be invisible. The Lembah Echo Homestay is right at the narrowest chasm of the valley, although you will pass several homestays along the way. Renting a bike in Harau can be somehow challenging. Many people take the opelet instead. Some of the hotels may, however, offer bikes for rent.

Adopted from: https://web.archive.org/web/20201202162652/https://www.indonesia.travel/gb/en/destinations/sumatra/payakumbuh/theharau-valley (February 8, 2021)


The Harau Valley is mostly suitable for ____.

The Harau Valley is mostly suitable for ____.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah photographers and rock climbers.

jawaban yang benar adalah photographers and rock climbers.




Soal ini menanyakan Lembah Harau paling cocok untuk dikunjungi siapa. Pada paragraf kedua, " The steep rock walls here are not only a natural invitation to photographers, but they also attract rock climbers who consider climbing these steep walls a significant challenge. " Artinya adalahdinding batu yang curam di sini tidak hanya mengundang fotografer, tetapi juga menarik pemanjat tebing yang menganggap mendaki dinding curam ini sebagai tantangan yang berarti. Paragraf tersebut menceritakan bahwa dinding batu curam di Lembah Harau dapat mengundangpara fotografer dan pemanjat tebing. Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Lembah Harau sangat cocok untuk para fotografer ( photographers ) dan pemanjat tebing ( rock climbers ). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah photographers and rock climbers.

Soal ini menanyakan Lembah Harau paling cocok untuk dikunjungi siapa.

Pada paragraf kedua, "The steep rock walls here are not only a natural invitation to photographers, but they also attract rock climbers who consider climbing these steep walls a significant challenge." Artinya adalah dinding batu yang curam di sini tidak hanya mengundang fotografer, tetapi juga menarik pemanjat tebing yang menganggap mendaki dinding curam ini sebagai tantangan yang berarti.

Paragraf tersebut menceritakan bahwa dinding batu curam di Lembah Harau dapat mengundang para fotografer dan pemanjat tebing.

Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Lembah Harau sangat cocok untuk para fotografer (photographers) dan pemanjat tebing (rock climbers).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah photographers and rock climbers.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

From the text we know that ____.



Jawaban terverifikasi


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