

The following text is for questions 30 to 32

    Green Canyon Indonesia is located-in Kertayasa Village, in Ciamis Regency, West Java Province, about 3 1 km or 45 minutes drive from Pailgandaran Beach. Originally called 'Cukang Taneuh', the local Sundanese meaning for Soil Bridge, Green Canyon has a 3-meter-wide bridge made up of soil above the twin cliffs on both river banks. This natural wonder is a surely spectacular scene that you will not find anywhere else. The name Green Canyon is believed to have been dubbed by a French tourist who came to the location in 1993. It is said that the clear·green water of the river and the abundant green moss on the cliff had given it its popular name.

    There are many things to admire in this place. Look up and you will see green vegetations of various sizes growing everywhere on the thousands of- year-old cliff walls, which function like umbrellas and prevent a large amount of sunlight from going entering. The real color of water is blue, but in the morning (before 10 a.m.) with the sunlight thrusting inside the water, the color will change into green due to the underwater mosses. 

    Inside the canyon, boats cannot go in and the current is stronger. To enter, you need to partake in an activity called 'body rafting', a local term for 'drifting along with the current'. With your life jacket, helmet, boots and, knee pads on, you will plunge into the river and the current will carry you down a track which takes about 4 hours to complete the entire stretch. Some parts of the river can be as deep as -10 meters, but it gets very shallow before reaching the one-meter river drop, which is the end of the track. ,

    If you have the nerve, before the body rafting starts, you can jump from a 4-meter-tall stone, called 'batu payung' (umbrella stone) by the locals. It is called that way because the stone protrude from the cliff, which makes it safe to jump into the1 0-meter-deep river from here.

Adopted from: - httpilindones/a.traveVhklen/destinationsljava/pangandaran/' green-canyon (October 5, 201 B) .- - httpsi/trip101.coinlartic/e/experience-the·wonders-of-graencanyon- in-indonesia (October 5, 2018))

From the text we know that ____

From the text we know that ____

  1. the river doesn't have swift current.

  2. the government has named the place Green Canyon.

  3. the water in the Green Canyon river is truly green.

  4. underwater mosses change the river water into green color.

  5. the mosses at the riverbanks block sunlight from entering the river.

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D.

jawaban yang benar adalah D.



Soal menanyakan apa yang bisa diketahui dari teks tersebut. Di dalam teks terdapat kalimat, "The real color of water is blue, but in the morning (before 10 a.m.) with the sunlight thrusting inside the water, the color will change into green due to the underwater mosses ". Artinya adalah "Warna air yang sebenarnya adalah biru, namun pada pagi hari (sebelum jam 10 pagi) dengan sinar matahari yang masuk ke dalam air, warnanya akan berubah menjadi hijau karena adanya lumut di bawah air .". Kalimat tersebut cocok dengan pernyataan padapilihan jawaban D yang artinya "Lumutdi bawah air mengubah warna sungainya menjadi hijau.". Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

Soal menanyakan apa yang bisa diketahui dari teks tersebut.

Di dalam teks terdapat kalimat, "The real color of water is blue, but in the morning (before 10 a.m.) with the sunlight thrusting inside the water, the color will change into green due to the underwater mosses".

Artinya adalah "Warna air yang sebenarnya adalah biru, namun pada pagi hari (sebelum jam 10 pagi) dengan sinar matahari yang masuk ke dalam air, warnanya akan berubah menjadi hijau karena adanya lumut di bawah air.".

Kalimat tersebut cocok dengan pernyataan pada pilihan jawaban D yang artinya "Lumut di bawah air mengubah warna sungainya menjadi hijau.".

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 3. What can you learn after reading the text?



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