


The following text is for questions 43 to 45. The three most common forms of mercury (elemental, inorganic, and methylmercury) can all produce adverse health effects at sufficiently high doses. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that eating mercury-contaminated fish is the primacy route of exposure to mercury for most people. The EPA concluded that most Americans are not at risk from mercury exposure. However, pregnant women, women who may become pregnant within the next several years, and children less than six years may be harmed by mercuryin the fish they consumed. Inhaling elemental mercury, the vapor given off when mercury is heated can also be dangerous. For example, some people burn mercury in, candles as part of rituals, practice health professionals highly discourage. Mercurycan damage human health because it is toxic to the nervous system - the brain and spinal cord - particularly the developing nervous system of a fetus or young child. And it doesn't take much mercury. One million average-size northern pikes from northern Minnesota lakes would contain just a pound of mercury altogether, yet the concentration in each fish would be high enough to call for limits on eating them. Mercury's effects can be very subtle. Adults who have been exposed totoo much methylmercury might begin to experience trembling hands and numbness or tingling in their lips, tongues, fingers, or toes. These effects can begin long after the exposure occurred. At higher exposures, walking could be affected, as well as vision, speech, and hearing. In its sufficient quantities, methylmercury can be fatal. The greatest risk, however, is for fetuses and young children because their nervous systems are still developing. They are four or five times more sensitive to mercury than adults. Damage occurring before birth or in infancy can cause a childto be late in beginning to walk and talk and may cause lifelong learning problems. Unborn children can be seriously affected even though the methylmercury causes no symptoms in their mothers. In conclusion, mercury has bad effects on human bodies. Adopted from: https:/ /www.pca.state.mn.us/quick-links/health-andenvironmental-effects-mercury (January 31 , 2019) What is the writer's suggestion based on the text?

The following text is for questions 43 to 45.

    The three most common forms of mercury (elemental, inorganic, and methylmercury) can all produce adverse health effects at sufficiently high doses. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that eating mercury-contaminated fish is the primacy route of exposure to mercury for most people.

    The EPA concluded that most Americans are not at risk from mercury exposure. However, pregnant women, women who may become pregnant within the next several years, and children less than six years may be harmed by mercury in the fish they consumed.

    Inhaling elemental mercury, the vapor given off when mercury is heated can also be dangerous. For example, some people burn mercury in, candles as part of rituals, practice health professionals highly discourage.

    Mercury can damage human health because it is toxic to the nervous system - the brain and spinal cord - particularly the developing nervous system of a fetus or young child. And it doesn't take much mercury. One million average-size northern pikes from northern Minnesota lakes would contain just a pound of mercury altogether, yet the concentration in each fish would be high enough to call for limits on eating them.

    Mercury's effects can be very subtle. Adults who have been exposed to too much methylmercury might begin to experience trembling hands and numbness or tingling in their lips, tongues, fingers, or toes. These effects can begin long after the exposure occurred. At higher exposures, walking could be affected, as well as vision, speech, and hearing. In its sufficient quantities, methylmercury can be fatal.

    The greatest risk, however, is for fetuses and young children because their nervous systems are still developing. They are four or five times more sensitive to mercury than adults. Damage occurring before birth or in infancy can cause a child to be late in beginning to walk and talk and may cause lifelong learning problems. Unborn children can be seriously affected even though the methylmercury causes no symptoms in their mothers.

    In conclusion, mercury has bad effects on human bodies.

Adopted from: https://www.pca.state.mn.us/quick-links/health-andenvironmental-effects-mercury (January 31 , 2019)

What is the writer's suggestion based on the text?space 

  1. Children can eat fish as many as possible.undefined 

  2. Adults should limit the consumption of fish.undefined 

  3. People can eat many kinds of food but fish.undefined 

  4. People should clean the fish before eating it.undefined 

  5. Pregnant women had better avoid consuming fish.undefined 


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah E.

jawabannya adalah E.




Arti dari pertanyaan adalah "Apa saran dari penulis berdasarkan teks tersebut?" Pada paragraf kedua kalimat terakhir, " However, pregnant women, women who may become pregnant within the next several years, and children less than six years may be harmed by mercuryin the fish they consumed." menjelaskan bahwa wanita hamil, dan anak - anak dibawah umur enam tahundapat terganggu kesehatannyaoleh merkuri pada ikan yang mereka konsumsi. Lalu, paragraf kelima disebutkan " Mercurycan damage human health because it is toxic to the nervous system - the brain and spinal cord - particularly the developing nervous system of a fetus or young child. " yang artinya "Merkuri bisa berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia karena itu beracun untuk sistem saraf - otak dan sumsum tulang belakang - terutama perkembangan saraf sistem pada janin dan anak kecil." Jadi, dapatdisimpulkan bahwa janin dan anak kecil memiliki resiko tinggi apabila terkontaminasi merkuri. Lalu, untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut kita membutuhkan kata should/had better, should /had better digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah opini/saran. Dan dari pilihan B, D, E yang memakai kata should/had better , jawaban yang paling tepat adalah wanita hamil lebih baik hindari mengonsumsi ikan. Jadi, jawabannya adalah E.

Arti dari pertanyaan adalah "Apa saran dari penulis berdasarkan teks tersebut?"

Pada paragraf kedua kalimat terakhir, "However, pregnant women, women who may become pregnant within the next several years, and children less than six years may be harmed by mercury in the fish they consumed." menjelaskan bahwa wanita hamil, dan anak - anak dibawah umur enam tahun dapat terganggu kesehatannya oleh merkuri pada ikan yang mereka konsumsi.

Lalu, paragraf kelima disebutkan "Mercury can damage human health because it is toxic to the nervous system - the brain and spinal cord - particularly the developing nervous system of a fetus or young child." yang artinya "Merkuri bisa berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia karena itu beracun untuk sistem saraf - otak dan sumsum tulang belakang - terutama perkembangan saraf sistem pada janin dan anak kecil." 

Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa janin dan anak kecil memiliki resiko tinggi apabila terkontaminasi merkuri. Lalu, untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut kita membutuhkan kata should/had better, should /had better digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah opini/saran. Dan dari pilihan B, D, E yang memakai kata should/had better, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah wanita hamil lebih baik hindari mengonsumsi ikan.

Jadi, jawabannya adalah E.

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