


The following text is for questions 28to 30. Behind the Scenes at a Garden Party Every summer, The Queen hosts three Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace, and one at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Scotland. Historically, Garden Parties took the place of presentation parties attended by debutantes, and have evolved into a way of recognising and rewarding public service. Preparations in the gardens at Buckingham Palace begin months in advance-to ensure everything is in perfect condition ahead of the year's first Garden Parties in May. Mowing the lawns, hedge clipping, leaf-blowing and sweeping are all carried out across the grounds, as many seasonal plants and flowers come into bloom. Seasonal bedding displays near the rose garden are planted. In and around the rose garden regular work includes dead-heading, weeding and clipping to ensure everything is as beautiful as possible. In the final days and hours before guests arrive, final touches to the lawns and grounds are made. Once everything is ready, the doors are opened and guests arrive to explore the Palace grounds. (Source: https://www.royal.uk/behind-scenes-garden-party ) When are the year's first Garden Parties held?

The following text is for questions 28 to 30.

Behind the Scenes at a Garden Party

    Every summer, The Queen hosts three Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace, and one at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Scotland. Historically, Garden Parties took the place of presentation parties attended by debutantes, and have evolved into a way of recognising and rewarding public service.

    Preparations in the gardens at Buckingham Palace begin months in advance-to ensure everything is in perfect condition ahead of the year's first Garden Parties in May. Mowing the lawns, hedge clipping, leaf-blowing and sweeping are all carried out across the grounds, as many seasonal plants and flowers come into bloom. Seasonal bedding displays near the rose garden are planted. In and around the rose garden regular work includes dead-heading, weeding and clipping to ensure everything is as beautiful as possible.

    In the final days and hours before guests arrive, final touches to the lawns and grounds are made. Once everything is ready, the doors are opened and guests arrive to explore the Palace grounds.

(Source: https://www.royal.uk/behind-scenes-garden-party)

When are the year's first Garden Parties held?

  1. In January.

  2. In May.

  3. In June

  4. In August.

  5. In December.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah B.

jawaban yang benar adalah B.




Jawaban dari soal ini adalah B. Soal ini menanyakan kapan Pesta Kebun pertama pada suatu tahun diadakan. Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan dikalimat pertama paragraf kedua yang berbunyi"... ahead of the year's first Garden Parties in May " (... sebelum dilaksanakannya Pesta Kebun pertama tahun tersebut pada bulan Mei ). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B.

Jawaban dari soal ini adalah B.

Soal ini menanyakan kapan Pesta Kebun pertama pada suatu tahun diadakan.

Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di kalimat pertama paragraf kedua yang berbunyi "... ahead of the year's first Garden Parties in May" (... sebelum dilaksanakannya Pesta Kebun pertama tahun tersebut pada bulan Mei).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B.

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In which of the following years did the Battle of Puebla take place?



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