


The following is a complete-structured recipe. Read it and answer the question! Questions: What should be done if the breast we use is quite large?

The following is a complete-structured recipe. Read it and answer the question! 



What should be done if the breast we use is quite large?


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah if your breast is quite large e.g. 250 g / 8 oz+ each , cut them in half horizontally to form 2 thin steaks and skip the pounding. Make sure they are no thicker than 1.5 cm / 0.6 inch thick at the thickest point - if they are pound, using fist .

jawaban yang tepat adalah if your breast is quite large e.g. 250 g / 8 oz+ each , cut them in half horizontally to form 2 thin steaks and skip the pounding. Make sure they are no thicker than 1.5 cm / 0.6 inch thick at the thickest point - if they are pound, using fist.




Soal di atas menanyakan hal yang harus dilakukan jika dada ayam yang digunakan terlalu besar. Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita dapat membaca bagian recipe notes yang artinya "catatan-catatan tertentu dalam resep" nomor 1. Disana tertulis if your breast is quite large e.g. 250 g / 8 oz+ each , cut them in half horizontally to form 2 thin steaks and skip the pounding. Make sure they are no thicker than 1.5 cm / 0.6 inch thick at the thickest point - if they are pound, using fist yang memiliki arti "jika dada ayam milikmu terlalu besar, misalnya masing-masing seberat 250 g / 8 ons+, potong setengah dada ayam tersebut secara horizontal untuk menghasilkan dua potong daging tipis tanpa tulang. Pastikan dada ayam tak lebih tebal dari 1.5 cm / 0.6 inci tebalnya. - apabiladada ayam bertulang, gunakan kepalan tangan". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah if your breast is quite large e.g. 250 g / 8 oz+ each , cut them in half horizontally to form 2 thin steaks and skip the pounding. Make sure they are no thicker than 1.5 cm / 0.6 inch thick at the thickest point - if they are pound, using fist .

Soal di atas menanyakan hal yang harus dilakukan jika dada ayam yang digunakan terlalu besar. Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita dapat membaca bagian recipe notes yang artinya "catatan-catatan tertentu dalam resep" nomor 1. Disana tertulis if your breast is quite large e.g. 250 g / 8 oz+ each , cut them in half horizontally to form 2 thin steaks and skip the pounding. Make sure they are no thicker than 1.5 cm / 0.6 inch thick at the thickest point - if they are pound, using fist yang memiliki arti "jika dada ayam milikmu terlalu besar, misalnya masing-masing seberat 250 g / 8 ons+, potong setengah dada ayam tersebut secara horizontal untuk menghasilkan dua potong daging tipis tanpa tulang. Pastikan dada ayam tak lebih tebal dari 1.5 cm / 0.6 inci tebalnya. - apabila dada ayam bertulang, gunakan kepalan tangan".   

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah if your breast is quite large e.g. 250 g / 8 oz+ each , cut them in half horizontally to form 2 thin steaks and skip the pounding. Make sure they are no thicker than 1.5 cm / 0.6 inch thick at the thickest point - if they are pound, using fist.

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di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




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