


The following is a complete-structured recipe. Read it and answer the question! Questions: What for is the recipe note?

The following is a complete-structured recipe. Read it and answer the question! 



What for is the recipe note?


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah the use of recipe note is to give special cooking instructions which must be done by readers if they want to use basic ingredients with different kinds and sizes, also to inform the nutrition estimation per serving .

jawaban yang tepat adalah the use of recipe note is to give special cooking instructions which must be done by readers if they want to use basic ingredients with different kinds and sizes, also to inform the nutrition estimation per serving




Soal di atas menanyakan tujuan adanya recipe notes yang artinya "catatan-catatan tertentu dalam resep" di teks prosedur membuat dada ayam panggang. Untuk menjawab soal tersebut, kita dapat membaca terlebih dahulu bagian recipe notes yang terletak setelah bagian instructions . Recipe notes pada teks di atas terdiri atas tiga catatan yang intinya bertujuan to give special cooking instructions which must be done by readers if they want to use basic ingredients with different kinds and sizes, also to inform the nutrition estimation per serving yang artinya"untuk memberikaninstruksi memasakkhusus yang harus dilakukan jika pembaca hendak memakai bahan dasar yang berbeda jenis dan ukuran, serta memberitahu perkiraan kandungan gizi per sajian". Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah the use of recipe note is to give special cooking instructions which must be done by readers if they want to use basic ingredients with different kinds and sizes, also to inform the nutrition estimation per serving .

Soal di atas menanyakan tujuan adanya recipe notes yang artinya "catatan-catatan tertentu dalam resep" di teks prosedur membuat dada ayam panggang. Untuk menjawab soal tersebut, kita dapat membaca terlebih dahulu bagian recipe notes yang terletak setelah bagian instructions.

Recipe notes pada teks di atas terdiri atas tiga catatan yang intinya bertujuan to give special cooking instructions which must be done by readers if they want to use basic ingredients with different kinds and sizes, also to inform the nutrition estimation per serving yang artinya "untuk memberikan instruksi memasak khusus yang harus dilakukan jika pembaca hendak memakai bahan dasar yang berbeda jenis dan ukuran, serta memberitahu perkiraan kandungan gizi per sajian".

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah the use of recipe note is to give special cooking instructions which must be done by readers if they want to use basic ingredients with different kinds and sizes, also to inform the nutrition estimation per serving. 

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The best arrangement of the sentences above is....



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