


Bacalah teks berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 36 sampai dengan nomor 40!

    Everyone likes to group things. Language students group words as verbs, nouns and so on; collections of words are classified as phrases, or clauses, or sentences, and these again are reclassified according to their function. In the same way, botanists classify plants as algae, or fungi, or gymnosperms, etc. Zoologists classify animals as vertebrates and invertebrates. The vertebrates can be further classified as mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, etc. Classification enables us to keep hold of more information and, if it is based on the right data, enables us to understand better the ideas we are studying.

    Chemists are no exception. The chemical classification of materials, if it is based on a good system, should enable us to understand better the many substances which exist in our world. What is to be the basis of our classification? Perhaps the most obvious one is appearance. Materials could be classified as solid, liquid or gas with some mixed types as, for example, mud being solid/liquid material and steam as  liquid/gas material. Appearance could enable us to subdivide our main classification groups a little further; the solid may be green, or black, powdery or crystalline; the liquid may be colored, oily, thick, or free flowing; the gas may be colored. However, we soon realize that many probably quite different materials have the same appearance. Both air and the deadly carbon-monoxide gas are colorless, odorless gases, but we would not like to group them as the same thing. Many different liquids are colorless, water-like materials.

The examples provided inparagraph 2 clarify that ....

The examples provided in paragraph 2 clarify that ....

  1. many kinds of liquid should be grouped as one

  2. different kinds of gas can be colorless and odorless

  3. materials in chemistry should be classified differently

  4. chemistry materials have more complicated classification

  5. taxonomy can be made and applied further to other areas


S. Susanti

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah C.

jawaban yang benar adalah C.



Jawaban soal ini adalah pilihan jawaban C. Soal tersebut "contoh-contoh bahan kimia yang dibahas di paragraf kedua menjelaskan tentang apa". Paragraf kedua membahas tentangcontoh-contoh beberapa zat kimia yang berbeda tetapi memiliki bentuk dan warna yang sama misal udara dan karbonmonoxida yang tidak berwarna dan tidak berbau. Namun kedua zat tersebut tidak bisa dikelompokkan sebagai bahan kimia yang sama. Hal tersebut tertuang pada pernyataan " However, we soon realize that many probably quite different materials have the same appearance. Both air and the deadly carbon-monoxide gas are colorless, odorless gases, but we would not like to group them as the same thing " Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut maka bahan kimia harus dikelompokkan secara berbeda. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Jawaban soal ini adalah pilihan jawaban C.

Soal tersebut "contoh-contoh bahan kimia yang dibahas di paragraf kedua menjelaskan tentang apa".

Paragraf kedua membahas tentang contoh-contoh beberapa zat kimia yang berbeda tetapi memiliki bentuk dan warna yang sama misal udara dan karbonmonoxida yang tidak berwarna dan tidak berbau. Namun kedua zat tersebut tidak bisa dikelompokkan sebagai bahan kimia yang sama.

Hal tersebut tertuang pada pernyataan "However, we soon realize that many probably quite different materials have the same appearance. Both air and the deadly carbon-monoxide gas are colorless, odorless gases, but we would not like to group them as the same thing

Berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut maka bahan kimia harus dikelompokkan secara berbeda.

 Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

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Pertanyaan serupa

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