

Text 2 The first recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland, and the first recorded European landfall on the Australian continent (in 1606), are attributed to the Dutch. The first ship and crew to chart the Australian coast and meet with Aboriginal people was the Duyfken captained by Dutch navigator, Willem Janszoon. He sighted the coast of Cape York Peninsula in early 1606, and made landfall on 26 February at the Pennefather River near the modern town of Weipa on Cape York. The Dutch charted the whole of the western and northern coastlines and named the island continent "New Holland" during the 17th century, but made no attempt at settlement. William Dampier, an English explorer and privateer, landed on the north-west coast of New Holland in 1688 and again in 1699 on a return trip. In 1770, James Cook sailed along and mapped the east coast, which he named New South Wales and claimed for Great Britain. With the loss of its American colonies in 1783, the British Government sent a fleet of ships, the "First Fleet", under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip, to establish a new penal colony in New South Wales. A camp was set up and the flag raised at Sydney Cove, Port Jackson, on 26 January 1788, a date which became Australia's national day, Australia Day, although the British Crown Colony of New South Wales was not formally promulgated until 7 February 1788. The first settlement led to the foundation of Sydney, and the exploration and settlement of other regions. Sumber: https://en.wikipedia.org What does this mean ‘ The first recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland ’?

Text 2
The first recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland, and the first recorded European landfall on the Australian continent (in 1606), are attributed to the Dutch. The first ship and crew to chart the Australian coast and meet with Aboriginal people was the Duyfken captained by Dutch navigator, Willem Janszoon. He sighted the coast of Cape York Peninsula in early 1606, and made landfall on 26 February at the Pennefather River near the modern town of Weipa on Cape York. The Dutch charted the whole of the western and northern coastlines and named the island continent "New Holland" during the 17th century, but made no attempt at settlement. William Dampier, an English explorer and privateer, landed on the north-west coast of New Holland in 1688 and again in 1699 on a return trip. In 1770, James Cook sailed along and mapped the east coast, which he named New South Wales and claimed for Great Britain.

With the loss of its American colonies in 1783, the British Government sent a fleet of ships, the "First Fleet", under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip, to establish a new penal colony in New South Wales. A camp was set up and the flag raised at Sydney Cove, Port Jackson, on 26 January 1788, a date which became Australia's national day, Australia Day, although the British Crown Colony of New South Wales was not formally promulgated until 7 February 1788. The first settlement led to the foundation of Sydney, and the exploration and settlement of other regions.

Sumber: https://en.wikipedia.org


What does this mean ‘The first recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland’?

  1. The first recorded European seen in Australia

  2. The last recorded European seen in Australia

  3. The first recorded occupation of Europe in Australia

  4. The record of the founder of Australia

  5. Australia was found by European

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


The first recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland memiliki arti ‘Orang Eropa yang pertama tercatat datang di daratan Australia’. Berdasarkan arti frasa ini, maka kita bisa dapati bahwa jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A ( The first recorded European seen in Australia .) atau yang secara harfiah ‘Orang Eropa yang pertama kali tercatat terlihat di daratan Australia’.

The first recorded European sighting of the Australian mainland memiliki arti ‘Orang Eropa yang pertama tercatat datang di daratan Australia’. Berdasarkan arti frasa ini, maka kita bisa dapati bahwa jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A (The first recorded European seen in Australia.) atau yang secara harfiah ‘Orang Eropa yang pertama kali tercatat terlihat di daratan Australia’.

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