


Study and pronounce the following words. Then, arrange the jumbled paragraphs into a good text about Anita’s experience in attending her cousin’s wedding. 1. Paragraph .... In the following morning, Ijab Ceremony (religious marriage consecration) was held. I sat right behind the bride. I really didn’t want to miss this moment because it is the most important phase in the wedding. After Ijab, there were some Javanese ceremonies following the wedding celebration. They were Panggih, Balangan Suruh, Wiji Dadi, Sindur Binayang, Timbang, Tanem, Tukar Kalpika, Kacar Kucur, Dahar Klimah, Sungkeman and Mertui Ceremony. I was too busy in the reception table so I did not follow all of those ceremonies. 2. Paragraph .... The very first ceremony was Siraman (bathing ceremony). Siraman means to take a bath. The Siraman ceremony was organized in the afternoon. I was also involved in preparing the place and the stuffs needed. After the Siraman, the bride was led to the wedding room. She was dressed with a traditional woman’s blouse (kebaya) and batik clothes. Make-up was put on her by a traditional make-up woman who led the whole ceremony. The bride looked very beautiful. 3. Paragraph .... I went back home in the evening by the last train. I went happily because I could attend my cousin’s wedding even helped the preparation. 4. Paragraph .... Two weeks ago I went to Semarang to attend my cousin’s wedding. I was there for four days. I was involved in the preparation of the wedding ceremony. Like other Javanese wedding ceremonies, it has several complicated traditional rituals. 5. Paragraph .... The next ceremony was Peningsetan or Srah Srahan (traditional engagement ceremony). The family of the would-be-bridegroom visited the parents and the family of the would-be-bride. They were bringing some gifts. After this ceremony, I helped the women in the backyard. We packed the snacks for the party in the morning. 6. Paragraph .... The second ceremony was Midodareni (ceremony on the eve before the wedding). The bride had to stay in the room from 6 p.m. to midnight accompanied by some elder women giving her useful advice. My other cousins and I also visited her for a while. 7. Paragraph .... After the wedding rituals, the reception followed. The newly wed couple received blessings and greetings from the guests. The newly wed couple looked very happy although they couldn’t hide their tired faces.

Study and pronounce the following words. Then, arrange the jumbled paragraphs into a good text about Anita’s experience in attending her cousin’s wedding.

1. Paragraph ....

    In the following morning, Ijab Ceremony (religious marriage consecration) was held. I sat right behind the bride. I really didn’t want to miss this moment because it is the most important phase in the wedding. After Ijab, there were some Javanese ceremonies following the wedding celebration. They were Panggih, Balangan Suruh, Wiji Dadi, Sindur Binayang, Timbang, Tanem, Tukar Kalpika, Kacar Kucur, Dahar Klimah, Sungkeman and Mertui Ceremony. I was too busy in the reception table so I did not follow all of those ceremonies.

2. Paragraph ....

    The very  first ceremony was Siraman (bathing ceremony). Siraman means to take a bath. The Siraman ceremony was organized in the afternoon. I was also involved in preparing the place and the stuffs needed. After the Siraman, the bride was led to the wedding room. She was dressed with a traditional woman’s blouse (kebaya) and batik clothes. Make-up was put on her by a traditional make-up woman who led the whole ceremony. The bride looked very beautiful.

3.  Paragraph ....

    I went back home in the evening by the last train. I went happily because I could attend my cousin’s wedding even helped the preparation.

4.  Paragraph ....

    Two weeks ago I went to Semarang to attend my cousin’s wedding. I was there for four days. I was involved in the preparation of the wedding ceremony. Like other Javanese wedding ceremonies, it has several complicated traditional rituals.

5.  Paragraph ....

    The next ceremony was Peningsetan or Srah Srahan (traditional engagement ceremony). The family of the would-be-bridegroom visited the parents and the family of the would-be-bride. They were bringing some gifts. After this ceremony, I helped the women in the backyard. We packed the snacks for the party in the morning.

6.  Paragraph ....

    The second ceremony was Midodareni (ceremony on the eve before the wedding). The bride had to stay in the room from 6 p.m. to midnight accompanied by some elder women giving her useful advice. My other cousins and I also visited her for a while.

7.  Paragraph ....

    After the wedding rituals, the reception followed. The newly wed couple received blessings and greetings from the guests. The newly wed couple looked very happy although they couldn’t hide their tired faces.


D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi



Tugas kita pada soal ini adalah menyusun paragraf acak di atas menjadi susunan paragraf yang benar. Paragraf di atas merupakan teks Recount atau teks yang menceritakan tentang kejadian yang dialami oleh seseorang di masa lampau. Dalam teks Recount , susunan paragraf dimulai dengan orientation yang berisi tentanginformasi mengenai siapa, di mana, kapan suatuperistiwa itu terjadi. Pada susunan acak di atas, paragraf yang merupakan orientation adalah paragraf nomor 4. Pada paragraf tersebut diinformasikan mengenai kejadian apa yang akan diceritakan serta kapan peristiwa itu terjadi. Selanjutnya, setelah orientation diikuti oleh events atau serangkaian peristiwa yang disampaikan secara kronologis. Pada kalimat terkahir paragraf pertama berbunyi "... it has several complicated traditional rituals ." yang artinya "...upacaranya terdiri dari beberapa ritual tradisional yang rumit". Dengan demikian, kita mencari paragraf selanjutnya yang berisi tentang urutan ritual tradisional yang dimaksud. Pada susunan acak di atas, paragraf yang berisi tentang urutan ritual pertama adalah paragraf nomor 2 yang ditandai dengan kalimat " The very first ceremony ...". Selanjutnya, karena paragraf sebelumnya berisi upacara yang pertama ( first ceremony ) maka paragraf selanjutnya adalah paragraf nomor 6 yang diberikan petunjuk dengan kalimat " The second ceremony ...". Kemudian, setelah kronologi upacara adat yang pertama dan kedua sudah ditemukan maka kita cari kronologi upacara selanjutnya. Pada susunan acak di atas, paragraf yang merupakan kronologi upacara selanjutnya adalah paragraf nomor 5 yang ditandai dengan kalimat " The next ceremony ..." Paragraftersebut di akhiri dengan kalimat " We packed the snacks for the party in the morning. " , maka urutan ritual selanjutnya adalah paragraf nomor 1 yang ditandai dengan kalimat "i n the following morning ". Paragraf tersebut berisi tentang ritual adat yang dilakukan padi pagi setelahnya. Paragraf tersebut selanjutnya diikuti oleh kronologi upacara yang terakhir yang berada di paragraf nomor 7 yaitu " reception ". Selanjutnya bagian terakhir pada teks Recount adalah berisi re-orientation atau penutup atau kesimpulan cerita. Paragraf yang berisi tentang penutup cerita adalah paragraf nomor 3 yang menceritakan tentang si penulis yang akhirnya kembali kerumahnya setelah acara selesai. Dengan demikian, susunan paragraf yang benar adalah sebagai berikut: Two weeks ago I went to Semarang to attend my cousin’s wedding. I was there for four days. I was involved in the preparation of the wedding ceremony. Like other Javanese wedding ceremonies, it has several complicated traditional rituals. The very first ceremony was Siraman (bathing ceremony). Siraman means to take a bath. The Siraman ceremony was organized in the afternoon. I was also involved in preparing the place and the stuffs needed. After the Siraman, the bride was led to the wedding room. She was dressed with a traditional woman’s blouse (kebaya) and batik clothes. Make-up was put on her by a traditional make-up woman who led the whole ceremony. The bride looked very beautiful. The second ceremony was Midodareni (ceremony on the eve before the wedding). The bride had to stay in the room from 6 p.m. to midnight accompanied by some elder women giving her useful advice. My other cousins and I also visited her for a while. The next ceremony was Peningsetan or Srah Srahan (traditional engagement ceremony). The family of the would-be-bridegroom visited the parents and the family of the would-be-bride. They were bringing some gifts. After this ceremony, I helped the women in the backyard. We packed the snacks for the party in the morning. In the following morning, Ijab Ceremony (religious marriage consecration) was held. I sat right behind the bride. I really didn’t want to miss this moment because it is the most important phase in the wedding. After Ijab, there were some Javanese ceremonies following the wedding celebration. They were Panggih, Balangan Suruh, Wiji Dadi, Sindur Binayang, Timbang, Tanem, Tukar Kalpika, Kacar Kucur, Dahar Klimah, Sungkeman and Mertui Ceremony. I was too busy in the reception table so I did not follow all of those ceremonies. After the wedding rituals, the reception followed. The newly wed couple received blessings and greetings from the guests. The newly wed couple looked very happy although they couldn’t hide their tired faces. I went back home in the evening by the last train. I went happily because I could attend my cousin’s wedding even helped the preparation.

Tugas kita pada soal ini adalah menyusun paragraf acak di atas menjadi susunan paragraf yang benar. Paragraf di atas merupakan teks Recount atau teks yang menceritakan tentang kejadian yang dialami oleh seseorang di masa lampau. 

Dalam teks Recount, susunan paragraf dimulai dengan orientation yang berisi tentang informasi mengenai siapa, di mana, kapan suatu peristiwa itu terjadi. Pada susunan acak di atas, paragraf yang merupakan orientation adalah paragraf nomor 4. Pada paragraf tersebut diinformasikan mengenai kejadian apa yang akan diceritakan serta kapan peristiwa itu terjadi.

Selanjutnya, setelah orientation diikuti oleh events atau serangkaian peristiwa yang disampaikan secara kronologis. Pada kalimat terkahir paragraf pertama berbunyi "...it has several complicated traditional rituals." yang artinya "...upacaranya terdiri dari beberapa ritual tradisional yang rumit". Dengan demikian, kita mencari paragraf selanjutnya yang berisi tentang urutan ritual tradisional yang dimaksud. Pada susunan acak di atas, paragraf yang berisi tentang urutan ritual pertama adalah paragraf nomor 2 yang ditandai dengan kalimat "The very  first ceremony...". 

Selanjutnya, karena paragraf sebelumnya berisi upacara yang pertama (first ceremony) maka paragraf selanjutnya adalah paragraf nomor 6 yang diberikan petunjuk dengan kalimat "The second ceremony...". 

Kemudian, setelah kronologi upacara adat yang pertama dan kedua sudah ditemukan maka kita cari kronologi upacara selanjutnya. Pada susunan acak di atas, paragraf yang merupakan kronologi upacara selanjutnya adalah paragraf nomor 5 yang ditandai dengan kalimat "The next ceremony..."

Paragraf tersebut di akhiri dengan kalimat "We packed the snacks for the party in the morning." , maka urutan ritual selanjutnya adalah paragraf nomor 1 yang ditandai dengan kalimat "in the following morning". Paragraf tersebut berisi tentang ritual adat yang dilakukan padi pagi setelahnya.

Paragraf tersebut selanjutnya diikuti oleh kronologi upacara yang terakhir yang berada di paragraf nomor 7 yaitu "reception".

Selanjutnya bagian terakhir pada teks Recount adalah berisi re-orientation atau penutup atau kesimpulan cerita. Paragraf yang berisi tentang penutup cerita adalah paragraf nomor 3 yang menceritakan tentang si penulis yang akhirnya kembali kerumahnya setelah acara selesai. 

Dengan demikian, susunan paragraf yang benar adalah sebagai berikut:

    Two weeks ago I went to Semarang to attend my cousin’s wedding. I was there for four days. I was involved in the preparation of the wedding ceremony. Like other Javanese wedding ceremonies, it has several complicated traditional rituals.

    The very  first ceremony was Siraman (bathing ceremony). Siraman means to take a bath. The Siraman ceremony was organized in the afternoon. I was also involved in preparing the place and the stuffs needed. After the Siraman, the bride was led to the wedding room. She was dressed with a traditional woman’s blouse (kebaya) and batik clothes. Make-up was put on her by a traditional make-up woman who led the whole ceremony. The bride looked very beautiful.

    The second ceremony was Midodareni (ceremony on the eve before the wedding). The bride had to stay in the room from 6 p.m. to midnight accompanied by some elder women giving her useful advice. My other cousins and I also visited her for a while.

    The next ceremony was Peningsetan or Srah Srahan (traditional engagement ceremony). The family of the would-be-bridegroom visited the parents and the family of the would-be-bride. They were bringing some gifts. After this ceremony, I helped the women in the backyard. We packed the snacks for the party in the morning.

    In the following morning, Ijab Ceremony (religious marriage consecration) was held. I sat right behind the bride. I really didn’t want to miss this moment because it is the most important phase in the wedding. After Ijab, there were some Javanese ceremonies following the wedding celebration. They were Panggih, Balangan Suruh, Wiji Dadi, Sindur Binayang, Timbang, Tanem, Tukar Kalpika, Kacar Kucur, Dahar Klimah, Sungkeman and Mertui Ceremony. I was too busy in the reception table so I did not follow all of those ceremonies.

    After the wedding rituals, the reception followed. The newly wed couple received blessings and greetings from the guests. The newly wed couple looked very happy although they couldn’t hide their tired faces.

    I went back home in the evening by the last train. I went happily because I could attend my cousin’s wedding even helped the preparation.space space

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