


Some parents get a little squeamish about parental monitoring. They are questioning themselves: am I invading my teen's privacy? The answer is NO. Parents absolutely have the right to know and monitor what their teen is doing on social media. Parents have to do it for family safety. Here are some reasons for every parent to start monitoring their child's social media activity. This first reason is to avoid being cyberbullied. Cyberbullying is becoming very common these days. If your child is the one who is bullied, they may be reluctant to let you know. Some of them keep it to themselves. It affects them negatively. In some cases, the child can be depressed and commit suicide. ____ By viewing their interactions on social media, you would know whether or not your child is cyberbullied. The second one is to get away from online predators. Many parents are busy discussing with their children about how to stay safe from predators in daily life. However, predators don’t only exist in real life but also on social media. They are called online predators. Social media becomes a place where they can find their prey easily before finally abusing the targets sexually. So, parents should check through their children’s messages on social media sites to see who they’re corresponding with. Set the privacy settings so that strangers are unable to view your child’s profile and access their content. Last but not least, it’s important to set limits of being on screen time for your children. Otherwise, they might spend most of their time on it. By monitoring what your child is doing, you’ll be able to have a better idea of how much time they’re spending on social media. Set up realistic rules for everyone in the family so that internet time is limited. When you know what your child is doing, you’ll have an easier time creating and enforcing limits. The facts above tell us how bad the social media can harm our children. Parents, as the ones who have the biggest responsibility for their children and family safety should monitor their children’s social media use. By doing that, parents will have a better idea of what they’re up to, and they’ll be able to create appropriate boundaries. According to the text, online predators are individual who ....

Some parents get a little squeamish about parental monitoring. They are questioning themselves: am I invading my teen's privacy? The answer is NO. Parents absolutely have the right to know and monitor what their teen is doing on social media. Parents have to do it for family safety. Here are some reasons for every parent to start monitoring their child's social media activity.

This first reason is to avoid being cyberbullied. Cyberbullying is becoming very common these days. If your child is the one who is bullied, they may be reluctant to let you know. Some of them keep it to themselves. It affects them negatively. In some cases, the child can be depressed and commit suicide. ____ By viewing their interactions on social media, you  would know whether or not your child  is cyberbullied.

The second one is to get away from online predators. Many parents are busy discussing with their children about how to stay safe from predators in daily life. However, predators don’t only exist in real life but also on social media. They are called online predators. Social media becomes a place where they can find their prey easily before finally abusing the targets sexually. So, parents should check through their children’s messages on social media sites to see who they’re corresponding with. Set the privacy settings so that strangers are unable to view your child’s profile and access their content. 

Last but not least, it’s important to set limits of being on screen time for your children. Otherwise, they might spend most of their time on it. By monitoring what your child is doing, you’ll be able to have a better idea of how much time they’re spending on social media. Set up realistic rules for everyone in the family so that internet time is limited. When you know what your child is doing, you’ll have an easier time creating and enforcing limits.

The facts above tell us how bad the social media can harm our children. Parents, as the ones who have the biggest responsibility for their children and family safety should monitor their children’s social media use. By doing that, parents will have a better idea of what they’re up to, and they’ll be able to create appropriate boundaries. 

According to the text, online predators are individual who ....

  1. are harmed, injured, or killed as a result of an online crime

  2. abduct someone and hold them captive, typically to obtain a ransom

  3. commit child sexual abuse that begins or takes place on the internet

  4. habitually seek to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable

  5. create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content 



Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Raden Intan Lampung

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“However, predators don’t only exist in real life but also on social media. They are called online predators. Social media becomes a place where they can find their prey easily before finally abusing the targets sexually.” artinya adalah “Akan tetapi, predator tidak hanya ada di kehidupan nyata tapi juga di media sosial. Mereka disebut predator dunia maya. Media sosial menjadi tempat dimana mereka bisa menemukan mangsa dengan mudah sebelum akhirnya melakukan kekerasan seksual terhadap target.” Berarti online predators di sini maksudnya adalah orang-orang yang melakukan kekerasan seks terhadap anak (karena yang dibicarakan di dalam teks adalah anak-anak) yang bermula atau terjadi di internet (C).

“However, predators don’t only exist in real life but also on social media. They are called online predators. Social media becomes a place where they can find their prey easily before finally abusing the targets sexually.” artinya adalah “Akan tetapi, predator tidak hanya ada di kehidupan nyata tapi juga di media sosial. Mereka disebut predator dunia maya. Media sosial menjadi tempat dimana mereka bisa menemukan mangsa dengan mudah sebelum akhirnya melakukan kekerasan seksual terhadap target.” Berarti online predators di sini maksudnya adalah orang-orang yang melakukan kekerasan seks terhadap anak (karena yang dibicarakan di dalam teks adalah anak-anak) yang bermula atau terjadi di internet (C).

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