


    Let me tell you my memorable moment in my life. Guess what? Well, it is my first meet-and-greet event I've ever attended.

    Last December, my classmate told me that a sequel of Dilan movie, entitled Dilan 1991, would be premiered soon. I had read the novel, so I could not wait to watch the movie. Plus, I am a big fan of lqbaal Ramadhan. Later, I found ·out that the cast of Dilan 1991 would hold a meet-and-greet event in my town. Of course, I would not miss this chance to meet my idol, Iqbaal.

    The D-day came and it was Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of people, mostly teenagers, attended the event, which was held in one of big shopping malls in my town. My friends and I took the seats at the front row. It had been pretty a long while before all the cast entered the· stage, but it was not ·a big problem. We kept enthusiastic to meet our idols.

    Finally, the cast appeared before us. All of us cheered their names, especially Iqbaal and Vanesha, the main cast of the movie. I myself was so excited that I could meet my idol. The situation at the moment was very noisy and crowded. Fortunately, the event organizer staff were able to overcome the situation well so that all the audience could sit properly and calmly, and the event ran smoothly.

    The event started by introducing the cast of Dilan 1991 and their roles in the movie. After that, the cast described the movie briefly and their opinions about the movie. Next was the answer-and-question session. The host invited the audience to ask anything related to the movie and the cast would answered the questions. Soon I raised my hand and asked Iqbaal how he developed his character as Dilan. Before answering my question, he asked my name which made me shocked, but very happy. Then, he answered my question clearly and I was pleased with the answer. I think, he is a really smart and talented actor! During the event, we all clapped and cheered whenever the cast spoke.

    The event lasted for around an hour. Before leaving the hall, Iqbaal and other cast invited the audience to watch the movie. My friends and I had already bought the tickets to watch it. So, after the meet-and-greet event, we went to the cinema. We were all satisfied with the movie and the cast as well.

    One thing that made this moment very special and memorable was that I had a chance to take photos with Iqbaal! Wow, that was amazing for me!

Reread the text in Activity 3. In pairs, complete the following dialog based on the information in the text. Practice the dialog with your partner Irwan: Hi, Karin. You look so happy. Karin: Hi, lrwan. Yes, I am reallyhappy. Irwan: Any good news? Karin: Guess what!I just met (1) ____Iqbaal Ramadhan. Irwan: Wow, how·lucky you are!. How did you meet him? Karin: You know, his· new film Dilan 1991 has been released. So, all the movie cast just held (2) ____ yesterday afternoon. Irwan:Really? Where was it held? Karin:It was held at (3) ____ Irwan:How could I not hear anything about the event? You know, I'm a big fan of Vanesha. I wish I were there. Tell ·me, how was the situation at the moment? · Karin:O.K. The situation at the moment was (4) ____ . Hundreds of people, mostly teenagers, attended the event. My friends and I had arrived two hours earlier before the event began. It was long enough for us to wait, but it wasn't a matter at all. We all were (5) ____ to meet our idols. Irwan:Then, what happened when the cast entered the room? Karin:When they appeared before us, all of us (6) ____, especially Iqbaal and Vanesha, the main cast of the movie. The event started by introducing the cast of Dilan 1991 and their roles in-the movie·. Then, the cast described the movie briefly and their opinions about the movie. After that there was (7) ____. The host invited the audience to ask anything related to the movie and the cast would answered the questions. Irwan:Did you ask any question? Karin:Yeah! I raised my hand and asked Iqbaal (8) ____.But, at one point I felt shocked and happy as well. Irwan:Why? What happened? Karin: Iqbaal asked my name! Oh gosh, I couldn't describe my feelings at the moment. Irwan:Then, what do you think about Iqbaal? Karin I think, he is (9) ____ Irwan:Anyway, how long did the event last? Karin Around an hour. However, we felt it was short enough since during the event, we all (10) ____ whenever the cast spoke. Irwan: I bet you did. So, have you watched the movie? Karin:Yeah I watched it right after the meet-and-greet event. Irwan:Was the movie good? Karin:In my opinion, yes. You should watch it.

Reread the text in Activity 3.
In pairs, complete the following dialog based on the information in the text.
Practice the dialog with your partner

Irwan: Hi, Karin. You look so happy.

Karin: Hi, lrwan. Yes, I am really happy.

Irwan: Any good news?

Karin: Guess what! I just met (1) ____ Iqbaal Ramadhan.

Irwan: Wow, how·lucky you are!. How did you meet him? 

Karin: You know, his· new film Dilan 1991 has been released. So, all the movie cast just held (2) ____ yesterday afternoon.

Irwan: Really? Where was it held?

Karin: It was held at (3) ____

Irwan: How could I not hear anything about the event? You know, I'm a big fan of Vanesha. I wish I were there. Tell ·me, how was the situation at the moment? ·

Karin: O.K. The situation at the moment was (4) ____. Hundreds of people, mostly teenagers, attended the event. My friends and I had arrived two hours earlier before the event began. It was long enough for us to wait, but it wasn't a matter at all. We all were (5) ____ to meet our idols.

Irwan: Then, what happened when the cast entered the room?

Karin: When they appeared before us, all of us (6) ____, especially Iqbaal and Vanesha, the main cast of the movie. The event started by introducing the cast of Dilan 1991 and their roles in-the movie·. Then, the cast described the movie briefly and their opinions about the movie. After that there was (7) ____. The host invited the audience to ask anything related to the movie and the cast would answered the questions.

Irwan: Did you ask any question?

Karin: Yeah! I raised my hand and asked Iqbaal (8) ____. But, at one point I felt shocked and happy as well.

Irwan: Why? What happened?

Karin: Iqbaal asked my name! Oh gosh, I couldn't describe my feelings at the moment.

Irwan: Then, what do you think about Iqbaal?

Karin I think, he is (9) ____

Irwan: Anyway, how long did the event last? 

Karin Around an hour. However, we felt it was short enough since during the event, we all (10) ____ whenever the cast spoke.

Irwan: I bet you did. So, have you watched the movie?

Karin: Yeah I watched it right after the meet-and-greet event.

Irwan: Was the movie good?

Karin: In my opinion, yes. You should watch it.


S. Difhayanti

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Jawaban terverifikasi



Kalimat rumpang nomor 10 menceritakan bahwa mereka bertepuk tangan dan berteriak setiap kali aktor berbicara . Ini dapat dilihat pada paragraf kelima kalimat "During the event, we all clapped and cheered whenever the cast spoke" (Selama acara, kami semua bertepuk tangan dan bersorak setiap kali para aktor berbicara). Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah clapped and cheered.

Kalimat rumpang nomor 10 menceritakan bahwa mereka bertepuk tangan dan berteriak setiap kali aktor berbicara. Ini dapat dilihat pada paragraf kelima kalimat "During the event, we all clapped and cheered whenever the cast spoke" (Selama acara, kami semua bertepuk tangan dan bersorak setiap kali para aktor berbicara).

Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah clapped and cheered.



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