


Complete the following text with the suitable words from the box. Read the text aloud Let me tell you one of my unforgettable moments. It happened last Sunday afternoon. At that time my friends, Dion and Nyoman, and I were on our (1) ____ from playing soccer. As the weather was pretty hot and we felt very thirsty, we decided to (2) ____ a mini market for fresh drinking water. Then, we sat on the chairs available outside the mini market. We were chatting about the game we just played when a beautiful girl wearing glasses got out of a (3) ____and entered the mini market. She was slim, had a white complexion, sharp nose, and long hair. She wore (4) ____ and sneakers. Her outlook was quite familiar for me. I was pretty sure that I had ever seen the girl before. Due to my (5) ____, I peeped through the glass wall and was very surprised when I realized who the girlwas! She is my favorite singer, Stephanie Poetri! I really like her song entitled I Love You 3000 . I was so (6) ____ that I could see my idol very close. At the same time, I felt restless after knowing who the girl was. I could not wait to (7) ____ her. I was sure that she would respond to my greeting warmly. Then, I would ask her to take photographs with me. You know what? I did not tellmy friends about this Soon Stephanie left the mini market and was about to walk to her car when I suddenly called out her name. She turned her head to me and then,I (8) ____ and greeted her. She looked towards me and smiled. She responded to my greeting warmly and even let me take photographs with her. Both of my friends, who were watching from afar, were (9) ____ about what was happening. They did not know who the girl was and why I took pictures with her. After Stephanie's car left, I explained to my friends who. she was and they felt shocked. They (10) ____ me for not telling them. I apologized to them. Well, that's my unforgettable moment when I met my idol.

Complete the following text with the suitable words from the box.
Read the text aloud

    Let me tell you one of my unforgettable moments. It happened last Sunday afternoon. At that time my friends, Dion and Nyoman, and I were on our (1) ____ from playing soccer. As the weather was pretty hot and we felt very thirsty, we decided to (2) ____ a mini market for fresh drinking water. Then, we sat on the chairs available outside the mini market.

    We were chatting about the game we just played when a beautiful girl wearing glasses got out of a (3) ____ and entered the mini market. She was slim, had a white complexion, sharp nose, and long hair. She wore (4) ____ and sneakers. Her outlook was quite familiar for me.

    I was pretty sure that I had ever seen the girl before. Due to my (5) ____, I peeped through the glass wall and was very surprised when I realized who the girl was! She is my favorite singer, Stephanie Poetri! I really like her song entitled I Love You 3000. I was so (6) ____ that I could see my idol very close.

    At the same time, I felt restless after knowing who the girl was. I could not wait to (7) ____ her. I was sure that she would respond to my greeting warmly. Then, I would ask her to take photographs with me. You know what? I did not tell my friends about this 

    Soon Stephanie left the mini market and was about to walk to her car when I suddenly called out her name. She turned her head to me and then,  I (8) ____ and greeted her. She looked towards me and smiled. She responded to my greeting warmly and even let me take photographs with her.

    Both of my friends, who were watching from afar, were (9) ____ about what was happening. They did not know who the girl was and why I took pictures with her.

    After Stephanie's car left, I explained to my friends who. she was and they felt shocked. They (10) ____ me for not telling them. I apologized to them.

    Well, that's my unforgettable moment when I met my idol.


S. Difhayanti

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Jawaban terverifikasi



Teks rumpang di atas merupakan recount text. Kalimat rumpang nomor 5 perlu dilengkapi dengan keterangan aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh penulis yang penasaran dengan gadis yang baru saja dilihatnya. Karena rasa penasarannya ( curiousity ), maka penulis mengintip dari dinding kaca. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah due to my curiousity, I peeped through the glass wall

Teks rumpang di atas merupakan recount text. Kalimat rumpang nomor 5 perlu dilengkapi dengan keterangan aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh penulis yang penasaran dengan gadis yang baru saja dilihatnya. Karena rasa penasarannya (curiousity), maka penulis mengintip dari dinding kaca.

Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah due to my curiousity, I peeped through the glass wall


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Pertanyaan serupa

Reread the text in Activity 3. In pairs, complete the following dialog based on the information in the text. Practice the dialog with your partner Irwan: Hi, Karin. You look so happy. Karin: ...



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