


Read the text and answer the question! We are sad to announce the passing of Elaine Brown, 57, on 15th February 2007 at her home in Leyland, near Preston, Lancashire after a short illness. Her funeral service will be held this Friday at St Georges Church, New Road, Chorley, Preston followed by internment at Hill Road Cemetery, Preston. Her family paid this tribute to her, 'Elaine was one of the kindest people you could ever meet, she opened her heart and home to many disadvantaged children over the years and she will be sorely missed.' What type of announcement is the text above?

Read the text and answer the question!

    We are sad to announce the passing of Elaine Brown, 57, on 15th February 2007 at her home in Leyland, near Preston, Lancashire after a short illness. Her funeral service will be held this Friday at St Georges Church, New Road, Chorley, Preston followed by internment at Hill Road Cemetery, Preston.

    Her family paid this tribute to her, 'Elaine was one of the kindest people you could ever meet, she opened her heart and home to many disadvantaged children over the years and she will be sorely missed.'

What type of announcement is the text above?undefined 

  1. Birthday announcementundefined 

  2. Missing peopleundefined 

  3. Obituaryundefined 

  4. Wedding announcementundefined 

  5. Church open house announcementundefined 


A. Aulia

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.undefined 



Teks di atas merupakan berita duka yang mengumumkan wafatnyaElaine Brown serta pemberitahuan tentang lokasi prosesi doa dan pemakaman akan dilangsungkan. Berita duka dalam bahasa Inggris disebut sebagai obituary. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Teks di atas merupakan berita duka yang mengumumkan wafatnya Elaine Brown serta pemberitahuan tentang lokasi prosesi doa dan pemakaman akan dilangsungkan. Berita duka dalam bahasa Inggris disebut sebagai obituary.

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.undefined 

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