


Read the text and answer the following question! A7Xs is a great camera choice for an experienced photographer who wants the photo and video quality that only a full-frame camera can produce. It's one generation old, but it's relatively small and for just under $1,000 you get a lens with it -- not a terrific lens, mind you, but there are lots of lenses to choose from at a wide range of prices before you shoot. Or that can be next year's gift. The most suitable title for the text is …

Read the text and answer the following question!

A7Xs is a great camera choice for an experienced photographer who wants the photo and video quality that only a full-frame camera can produce. It's one generation old, but it's relatively small and for just under $1,000 you get a lens with it -- not a terrific lens, mind you, but there are lots of lenses to choose from at a wide range of prices before you shoot. Or that can be next year's gift.undefined

The most suitable title for the text is …space space

  1. Cameras Under $1,000

  2. How to Use A7Xs Camera

  3. Best Camera in 2020: A7Xs

  4. The Best Budget Camera: A7Xs

  5. The Best Camera for the Best Person


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah D. The Best Budget Camera: A7Xs.

jawaban yang tepat adalah D. The Best Budget Camera: A7Xs.space 



Teks di atas mengulas sebuah kamera yang cukup canggih ( "the photo and video quality that only a full-frame camera can produce" ), tetapi dengan harga yang terjangkau ( "...for just under $1,000" ). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. The Best Budget Camera: A7Xs.

Teks di atas mengulas sebuah kamera yang cukup canggih ("the photo and video quality that only a full-frame camera can produce"), tetapi dengan harga yang terjangkau ("...for just under $1,000"). Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. The Best Budget Camera: A7Xs.space 

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Pertanyaan serupa

The question below is based on the following text. This is one of the best looking films you’ll ever watch. The visuals, the carefully crafted shots, the details—everything is eye candy. From the...



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