

Read the text and answer questions number 26 to 30. The kujang is a blade weapon native to the Sundanese people of western Java, Indonesia. The earliest kujang made is from around the 8th or 9th century. It is forged out of iron and steel. According to Sanghyang Siksa Kandang Karesian, the kujang was the weapon of farmers and has its roots in agricultural use. It is thought to have originated from its predecessor, a kudi. The kujang is one of the traditional weapons in the Sundanese school of pencak silat. Like the keris, it is a blade of sentimental and spiritual value to the people of Indonesia, who have a vast belief in supernatural powers. In Bogor poem by Anis Djatisunda (1996–2000), the kujang has many functions and shapes. Based on functions there are four of them namely, kujang pusaka (symbol of grandeur and safety protection), kujang pakarang (warfare), kujang pangarak (ceremonial), and kujang pamungkas (agricultural tool). As for the shapes, there is the kujang jago (shape of a rooster), kujang ciung (shape of a Javan cochoa bird), kujang kuntul (shape of an egret bird), kujang badak (shape of a rhinoceros), kujang naga (shape of a mythical dragon), and kujang bangkong (shape of a frog). Apart from that there are shapes of the kujang blade that resemble female characters of wayang kulit as a symbol of fertility. The text mainly discusses about ….

Read the text and answer questions number 26 to 30.

The kujang is a blade weapon native to the Sundanese people of western Java, Indonesia. The earliest kujang made is from around the 8th or 9th century. It is forged out of iron and steel. According to Sanghyang Siksa Kandang Karesian, the kujang was the weapon of farmers and has its roots in agricultural use. It is thought to have originated from its predecessor, a kudi. The kujang is one of the traditional weapons in the Sundanese school of pencak silat. Like the keris, it is a blade of sentimental and spiritual value to the people of Indonesia, who have a vast belief in supernatural powers.

In Bogor poem by Anis Djatisunda (1996–2000), the kujang has many functions and shapes. Based on functions there are four of them namely, kujang pusaka (symbol of grandeur and safety protection), kujang pakarang (warfare), kujang pangarak (ceremonial), and kujang pamungkas (agricultural tool). As for the shapes, there is the kujang jago (shape of a rooster), kujang ciung (shape of a Javan cochoa bird), kujang kuntul (shape of an egret bird), kujang badak (shape of a rhinoceros), kujang naga (shape of a mythical dragon), and kujang bangkong (shape of a frog). Apart from that there are shapes of the kujang blade that resemble female characters of wayang kulit as a symbol of fertility.

The text mainly discusses about ….  

  1. traditional clothes

  2. Sundanese people

  3. Indonesian weapons

  4. a weapon called the kujang

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R. Rani

Master Teacher

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jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

jawaban yang tepat adalah D. undefined 


Teks di atas sebagian besar menyampaikan informasi umum tentang senjata khas Sunda bernama Kujang. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari informasi pada setiap paragraf yang membahas senjata tersebut. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

Teks di atas sebagian besar menyampaikan informasi umum tentang senjata khas Sunda bernama Kujang. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari informasi pada setiap paragraf yang membahas senjata tersebut. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D. undefined 

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27. The text mainly tells us about ....



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