


Questions number 1 to 5 are based on this text! Capital punishment is one of the most controversial subjects to be discussed today. This controversy is caused by so many things all over the world having so many different views about it. Capital punishment happens when someone is put to death for a crime, for example murder of drug trafficking. Many people think capital punishment should be reinstated in Britain, but there are just as many people who think that the criminal system is better the way it is. One important argument against the death penalty is that sometimes an innocent person is put to death. If capital punishment is used, the authorities must therefore have evidence beyond the shadow of any doubt that they have accused the correct person. Furthermore, capital punishment removes all possibilities for a person who has done something seriously wrong to be able to change and to be rehabilitated. Another strong point against capital punishment is that two wrongs do not make a right. Killing a victim, for instance, and then being sentenced to death do not suddenly make everything all right or make things better. A poor, helpless victim’s life has been stolen from him, but killing the murder will not bring the victim back. Nevertheless, those who are in favor of the death penalty have many points to justify their stance. Most importantly, it punishes the criminal by doing to him what he did to others. It acts as a form of revenge for the victim’s family by letting them know that the criminal has felt some of the pain he inflicted on another. Furthermore, capital punishment could act as a deterrent to anyone who ever thought about committing certain crimes because he would know that when he was found guilty, the death penalty awaited him. It can also save money because, instead of the criminal being kept in person for the rest of his life, he is killed. After weighing up the arguments for and against capital punishment, I have come to the conclusion that I am for it, and that it is a pity it was abolished in Britain thirty or so years ago. From the text, we know that the writer thinks….

Questions number 1 to 5 are based on this text!

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial subjects to be discussed today. This controversy is caused by so many things all over the world having so many different views about it. Capital punishment happens when someone is put to death for a crime, for example murder of drug trafficking. Many people think capital punishment should be reinstated in Britain, but there are just as many people who think that the criminal system is better the way it is.

One important argument against the death penalty is that sometimes an innocent person is put to death. If capital punishment is used, the authorities must therefore have evidence beyond the shadow of any doubt that they have accused the correct person. Furthermore, capital punishment removes all possibilities for a person who has done something seriously wrong to be able to change and to be rehabilitated.

Another strong point against capital punishment is that two wrongs do not make a right. Killing a victim, for instance, and then being sentenced to death do not suddenly make everything all right or make things better. A poor, helpless victim’s life has been stolen from him, but killing the murder will not bring the victim back.

Nevertheless, those who are in favor of the death penalty have many points to justify their stance. Most importantly, it punishes the criminal by doing to him what he did to others. It acts as a form of revenge for the victim’s family by letting them know that the criminal has felt some of the pain he inflicted on another.

Furthermore, capital punishment could act as a deterrent to anyone who ever thought about committing certain crimes because he would know that when he was found guilty, the death penalty awaited him. It can also save money because, instead of the criminal being kept in person for the rest of his life, he is killed.

After weighing up the arguments for and against capital punishment, I have come to the conclusion that I am for it, and that it is a pity it was abolished in Britain thirty or so years ago.

From the text, we know that the writer thinks….

  1. Britain should learn from other countries to enforce the law regarding murdering.

  2. Britain is the only one country of which citizens are against death penalty.

  3. Britain citizens who are for the capital penalty should learn the value of life.

  4. Britain could have applied death penalty since long time ago.

  5. Britain should have continued applying capital penalty.


A. Mufida

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah E. Inggris seharusnya terus menerapkan hukuman mati.

jawaban yang tepat adalah E. Inggris seharusnya terus menerapkan hukuman mati.



Pada paragraf terakhir, penulis mengatakan “ I have come to the conclusion that I am for it, and that it is a pity it was abolished in Britain thirty or so years ago .” artinya “Aku sudah memutuskan bahwa saya mendukungnya, dan sayangnya itu (hukuman mati) sudah dihentikan di Inggris tiga puluh tahun (lebih) yang lalu. Kata sayangnya dalam kalimat tersebut menunjukkan si penulis berpendapat bahwa Inggris seharusnya tidak menghentikan hukuman tersebut. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah E. Inggris seharusnya terus menerapkan hukuman mati.

Pada paragraf terakhir, penulis mengatakan “I have come to the conclusion that I am for it, and that it is a pity it was abolished in Britain thirty or so years ago.” artinya “Aku sudah memutuskan bahwa saya mendukungnya, dan sayangnya itu (hukuman mati) sudah dihentikan di Inggris tiga puluh tahun (lebih) yang lalu. Kata sayangnya dalam kalimat tersebut menunjukkan si penulis berpendapat bahwa Inggris seharusnya tidak menghentikan hukuman tersebut. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah E. Inggris seharusnya terus menerapkan hukuman mati.

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