

Penguins are torpedo-shaped, flightless birds that lived in the southern regions of the Earth. Though many people imagine a small, black-and-white animal when they think of penguin, these birds actually come in a variety of sizes, and some are very colorful. For example, crested penguins spot a crown of yellow feathers. Blushes of orange and yellow mark the necks of emperor and king penguins. What look like bright yellow, bushy eyebrow adorn the heads of some species, such as the Foirdland, Royal, Snares and rock hopper penguin. The macaroni penguin’s name comes from the crest of yellow feather on its head. which look like the 18th – century hats of same name. A light yellow mask covers the face of the yellow-eyed penguin around the eyes. "Penguins are torpedo-shaped, flightless birds that lived in the southern regions of the Earth. " What can we infer the sentence?

Penguins are torpedo-shaped, flightless birds that lived in the southern regions of the Earth. Though many people imagine a small, black-and-white animal when they think of penguin, these birds actually come in a variety of sizes, and some are very colorful.

For example, crested penguins spot a crown of yellow feathers. Blushes of orange and yellow mark the necks of emperor and king penguins. What look like bright yellow, bushy eyebrow adorn the heads of some species, such as the Foirdland, Royal, Snares and rock hopper penguin. The macaroni penguin’s name comes from the crest of yellow feather on its head. which look like the 18th – century hats of same name. A light yellow mask covers the face of the yellow-eyed penguin around the eyes.


"Penguins are torpedo-shaped, flightless birds that lived in the southern regions of the Earth. " What can we infer the sentence?

  1. Penguins have strong body

  2. Penguins cannot fly

  3. Penguins live on the ocean

  4. Penguins live the north pole

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T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Berdasarkan kalimat “Penguins are torpedo-shaped, flightless-birds that live in the southern regions of the earth.”, dapat diketahui bahwa pinguin adalah burung yang tidak bisa terbang yang berbentuk seperti torpedo dan tinggal di wilayah selatan bumi, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (B) ‘Penguins cannot fly’ atau ‘Pinguin tidak bisa terbang’

Berdasarkan kalimat “Penguins are torpedo-shaped, flightless-birds that live in the southern regions of the earth.”, dapat diketahui bahwa pinguin adalah burung yang tidak bisa terbang yang berbentuk seperti torpedo dan tinggal di wilayah selatan bumi, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (B) ‘Penguins cannot fly’ atau ‘Pinguin tidak bisa terbang’

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