


Ojek "motorcycle taxi" began appearing in Jakarta after becak was banned in 1994. Ojek service began as a people's initiative to provide an alternative transportation for people who used becak from main roads into housing complexes. There is no government license or control for ojek. By the law, all motorcycle passengers should wear helmet so ojek drivers should have to spare for their passengers to wear. Ojek tends to congregate at t-junction on main road and near smaller roads that are not serviced by bus routes. Ladies, should have careful position in taking ojek. Also, if the woman wear a dress, they have to sit sidewise on the back of the vehicle. You have to bargain before you get on and ask local people about the usual price. Where do ojeks gather?

Ojek "motorcycle taxi" began appearing in Jakarta after becak was banned in 1994. Ojek service began as a people's initiative to provide an alternative transportation for people who used becak from main roads into housing complexes.

There is no government license or control for ojek. By the law, all motorcycle passengers should wear helmet so ojek drivers should have to spare for their passengers to wear. Ojek tends to congregate at t-junction on main road and near smaller roads that are not serviced by bus routes.

Ladies, should have careful position in taking ojek. Also, if the woman wear a dress, they have to sit sidewise on the back of the vehicle. You have to bargain before you get on and ask local people about the usual price.


Where do ojeks gather?

  1. In mainn road

  2. At housing complexes

  3. At t-junction

  4. On the bus routes


A. Setyawan

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Sebelas Maret

Jawaban terverifikasi



Seperti yang tercantum pada kalimat terakhir paragraf kedua, ojek biasanya berkumpul di pertigaan, t-junction seperti yang ada pada jawaban C.

Seperti yang tercantum pada kalimat terakhir paragraf kedua, ojek biasanya berkumpul di pertigaan, t-junction seperti yang ada pada jawaban C.

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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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