

Listen and complete the following text based on what you have heard. Good morning, I am Aliyah Hadi with the latest breaking news., coming from Nepal. Three people have died in a (1) ____ in Nepal, at what is regarded as one of the world's most (2) ____. The plane veered off the (3) ____ and hit a stationary helicopter at Lukla Airport, the (4) ____to the Everest region. The runway is short and surrounded by mountains, making it extremely difficult for (5) ____. The pilot of the plane andtwo police officers standing near the helicopter died. (6) ____ were injured. Both aircraft belonged to companies involved in taking (7) ____,tourists, and locals to the Everest region. The reason for Saturday's accident is (8) ____.Officials said the weather was good and flights later resumed their operations. (9) ____Bikram Raj Bhandari told the BBC, "I heard an explosion from some distance and ran towards the airport to see what happened. There was (10) ____." That's the news for this time. We'll return with another breaking news in an hour ahead. Thank you. (Adopted from: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-47926714 ) The most appropriate phrase to fill in the blank number (1) is ....

Listen and complete the following text based on what you have heard.

    Good morning, I am Aliyah Hadi with the latest breaking news., coming from Nepal.

    Three people have died in a (1) ____ in Nepal, at what is regarded as one of the world's most (2) ____.

    The plane veered off the (3) ____ and hit a stationary helicopter at Lukla Airport, the (4) ____ to the Everest region. The runway is short and surrounded by mountains, making it extremely difficult for (5) ____.

    The pilot of the plane and two police officers standing near the helicopter died. (6) ____ were injured.

    Both aircraft belonged to companies involved in taking (7) ____, tourists, and locals to the Everest region.

    The reason for Saturday's accident is (8) ____. Officials said the weather was good and flights later resumed their operations.

    (9) ____ Bikram Raj Bhandari told the BBC, "I heard an explosion from some distance and ran towards the airport to see what happened. There was (10) ____."

    That's the news for this time. We'll return with another breaking news in an hour ahead. Thank you.

(Adopted from: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-47926714)

The most appropriate phrase to fill in the blank number (1) is .... 

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F. Aulia

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jawaban yang benar adalah " plane crash ."

jawaban yang benar adalah "plane crash."


Soal tersebut menanyakan frasa apa yang tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang nomor 1. Kalimat yang mengandung bagian rumpang nomor 1 apabila diterjemahkan akan menjadi "Tiga orang tewas dalam sebuah (1) ____ di Nepal, yang dianggap sebagai salah satu (2) ____ di dunia." Teks tersebut memberitakan suatu kecelakaan yang terjadi akibat tabrakan antara pesawat dan helikopter , sebagaimana tertulis pada kalimat " The plane veered off the (3) ____ and hit a stationary helicopter at Lukla Airport , ..." ( Pesawat tersebut melenceng dari (3) ____ dan menabrak sebuah helikopter yang sedang diam di Bandar Udara Lukla, ...) Oleh karena itu, frasa yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang adalah " plane crash " atau "tabrakan pesawat." Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah " plane crash ."

Soal tersebut menanyakan frasa apa yang tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang nomor 1.

Kalimat yang mengandung bagian rumpang nomor 1 apabila diterjemahkan akan menjadi "Tiga orang tewas dalam sebuah (1) ____ di Nepal, yang dianggap sebagai salah satu (2) ____ di dunia."

Teks tersebut memberitakan suatu kecelakaan yang terjadi akibat tabrakan antara pesawat dan helikopter, sebagaimana tertulis pada kalimat "The plane veered off the (3) ____ and hit a stationary helicopter at Lukla Airport, ..." (Pesawat tersebut melenceng dari (3) ____ dan menabrak sebuah helikopter yang sedang diam di Bandar Udara Lukla, ...)

Oleh karena itu, frasa yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian rumpang adalah "plane crashatau "tabrakan pesawat."

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "plane crash."

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Listen and complete the following text based on what you have heard. Good morning, I am Aliyah Hadi with the latest breaking news., coming from Nepal. Three people have died in a (1) ____ in N...



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