


It has become such a sought-after product that pharmacies and supermarkets have started limiting the number people can buy at one time. The kind of clause used in the sentence above is a/an ….

It has become such a sought-after product that pharmacies and supermarkets have started limiting the number people can buy at one time.

The kind of clause used in the sentence above is a/an ….

  1. noun clause

  2. adjective clause

  3. adverb clause of time

  4. adverbial clause of place

  5. adverbial clause of contrast


S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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Yang merupakan klausa pada kalimat tersebut adalah “ that pharmacies and supermarkets have started limiting the number people can buy at one time .” Klausa tersebut berfungsi untuk menerangkan kata benda a sought-after product , sehingga klausa ini digolongkan sebagai adjective clause ( B).

Yang merupakan klausa pada kalimat tersebut adalah “that pharmacies and supermarkets have started limiting the number people can buy at one time.” Klausa tersebut berfungsi untuk menerangkan kata benda a sought-after product, sehingga klausa ini digolongkan sebagai adjective clause (B).

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