


(1) If it is passed, the sexual violence bill would bring help to survivors and their families. (2) Article 39, for example, says that the government will provide rehabilitation services for victims to overcome the physical, psychological and social effects of the crimes. (3) The woman wants the bill to be passed because she believes that many women in Indonesia have been through what she has been through. (4) What happened to her and her daughter is horrifying. (5) That tragedy also did not end when they sent that man, who violated them, to prison for 15 years. A noun clause can be used as the subject of a sentence. The sentence in which a noun clause is used as the subject is the sentence number ….

(1) If it is passed, the sexual violence bill would bring help to survivors and their families. (2) Article 39, for example, says that the government will provide rehabilitation services for victims to overcome the physical, psychological and social effects of the crimes.

(3) The woman wants the bill to be passed because she believes that many women in Indonesia have been through what she has been through. (4) What happened to her and her daughter is horrifying. (5) That tragedy also did not end when they sent that man, who violated them, to prison for 15 years.

A noun clause can be used as the subject of a sentence. The sentence in which a noun clause is used as the subject is the sentence number ….

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

  5. 5


S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D.

jawaban yang benar adalah D.



Yang merupakan noun clause pada bacaan tersebut adalah “that many women in Indonesia have been through what she has been through” dan “What happened to her and her daughter is horrifying” adalah noun clause. Jika noun clause sebagai subjek, maka dia harus muncul sebelum predikat. “that many women” muncul setelah kata kerja “believes”, berarti dia berposisi sebagai objek. “What happened” muncul sebelum predikat is, berarti berfungsi sebagai subjek. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

Yang merupakan noun clause pada bacaan tersebut adalah “that many women in Indonesia have been through what she has been through” dan  “What happened to her and her daughter is horrifying” adalah noun clause. Jika noun clause sebagai subjek, maka dia harus muncul sebelum predikat. “that many women” muncul setelah kata kerja “believes”, berarti dia berposisi sebagai objek. “What happened” muncul sebelum predikat is, berarti berfungsi sebagai subjek. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

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Pertanyaan serupa

If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. The kind of clause used in the sentence above is a/an ….



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