


Instruction: There are some grammatical error in the sentence given below. Underline the mistakes in each sentences, then rewrite the sentence. If there aren't any mistakes, put a tick next to the sentence. 1. Should we do have this meeting at 5?

Instruction: There are some grammatical error in the sentence given below. Underline the mistakes in each sentences, then rewrite the sentence. If there aren't any mistakes, put a tick next to the sentence.

1. Should we do have this meeting at 5?


S. Adena

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


salah satu jawabannya adalah, Should wehave this meeting at 5?

salah satu jawabannya adalah, Should we have this meeting at 5?



Soal di atas meminta kita untuk membenarkan grammar dari soal tersebut. Dalam memberikan sebuah tawaran, kita hanya memerlukan satu bentuk kata kerja dan bersifat direct sentence. Jadi kalimat ini: Should we do have this meeting at 5? Seharusnya menjadi: Should wehave this meeting at 5? Jadi salah satu jawabannya adalah, Should wehave this meeting at 5?

Soal di atas meminta kita untuk membenarkan grammar dari soal tersebut.

Dalam memberikan sebuah tawaran, kita hanya memerlukan satu bentuk kata kerja dan bersifat direct sentence.

Jadi kalimat ini:

Should we do have this meeting at 5?

Seharusnya menjadi:

Should we have this meeting at 5?

Jadi salah satu jawabannya adalah, Should we have this meeting at 5?

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Pertanyaan serupa

Instruction: Respond to the suggestions and offes given below! 1. I think we should go and pick your mother up from the bus station.



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