
Read the following text and complete the information table!

Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera is a herb with succulent leaves that are arranged in a rosette. The leaves are grey to green and sometimes have white spots on their surfaces. They have sharp, pinkish spines along their edges and are the source of the colourless gel found in many commercial and medicinal products. Aloe vera has yellow, tube-like flowers that cluster on a stem.

A. Beauty and cosmetics
    The gel from the leaves of Aloe vera is a common ingredient in many beauty products as it hydrates and soothes hair and skin. 

B. Food and drink
The gel from the leaves of Aloe vera is consumed as a juice or tonic that helps aid digestion.

C. Health
The Aloe vera gel has been used traditionally on the skin to treat psoriasis, burns, and sores caused by the Herpes sirnplex virus. Research has shown that when taken orally, aloe gel can regulate blood glucose levels and cholesterol levels, but care should be taken when taking Aloe products.

    The green outer layer of Aloe vera leaves secrete a bitter, yellow fluid that has traditionally been used as a laxative. However, research has shown that this could interact negatively with other medicines and herbal remedies, so should be taken with care and avoided by children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Information table The look of Aloe vera spikes= ____

Information table

The look of Aloe vera spikes = ____

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D. Yaniar

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Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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jawaban untuk tabel informasi nomor 3adalah " Aloe veras havesharp, pinkish spines along their edges. "

jawaban untuk tabel informasi nomor 3 adalah "Aloe veras have sharp, pinkish spines along their edges."


Kita akan membahas tabel informasi no 3 . Arti dari soal " The look of Aloe vera spikes " adalah "tampilan duri lidah buaya". Jawaban ini dapat kita temukan di paragraf pertama pada kalimat " They have sharp, pinkish spines along their edges ... " yang mana artinya adalah "Mereka memiliki duri tajam berwarna merah muda di sepanjang tepinya ..." Jadi, jawaban untuk tabel informasi nomor 3adalah " Aloe veras havesharp, pinkish spines along their edges. "

Kita akan membahas tabel informasi no 3.

Arti dari soal "The look of Aloe vera spikes" adalah "tampilan duri lidah buaya". Jawaban ini dapat kita temukan di paragraf pertama pada kalimat "They have sharp, pinkish spines along their edges ..." yang mana artinya adalah "Mereka memiliki duri tajam berwarna merah muda di sepanjang tepinya ..."

Jadi, jawaban untuk tabel informasi nomor 3 adalah "Aloe veras have sharp, pinkish spines along their edges."

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