


I always dream of my special room. That is my bed room that I really want to say. It is not big, but very clean and quite. I am so happy when I stay in my room. I enjoy my relaxing time after doing the school assignments. My room is nice and warm room. There are my photos when I was a child and beautiful painting of animals. I am lucky to have such a room. My father knows well what I need, I am so proud of him. Although, my room is not big enough I am very keen on it. Why is the writer so happy when she stays in her room?

I always dream of my special room. That is my bed room that I really want to say. It is not big, but very clean and quite. I am so happy when I stay in my room. I enjoy my relaxing time after doing the school assignments.

My room is nice and warm room. There are my photos when I was a child and beautiful painting of animals. I am lucky to have such a room. My father knows well what I need, I am so proud of him.

Although, my room is not big enough I am very keen on it.


Why is the writer so happy when she stays in her room?

  1. it is very nice and warm room

  2. her dream to have special room comes true

  3. his father hangs some of her photos in her room

  4. she is proud of his father who knows about her very much



Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Raden Intan Lampung

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Teks bacaan di atas merupakan sebuah teks deksripsi. Teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang kamar dari penulis. Pada akhir paragraf pertama, penulis menyatakan bahwa “I’m so happy when I stay in my room”. Sebelumnya, pada awal paragraf pertama penulis menyatakan bahwa ia menginginkan untuk memiliki ruangan khusus untuk dirinya. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis merasa bahagia berada dalam kamarnya karena “her dream to have special room come true”.

Teks bacaan di atas merupakan sebuah teks deksripsi. Teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang kamar dari
penulis. Pada akhir paragraf pertama, penulis menyatakan bahwa “I’m so happy when I stay in my
room”. Sebelumnya, pada awal paragraf pertama penulis menyatakan bahwa ia menginginkan untuk
memiliki ruangan khusus untuk dirinya. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis merasa bahagia
berada dalam kamarnya karena “her dream to have special room come true”.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Answer the following questions briefly. Read text 1 again. Find out the similarities between text 1 (Tanjung Puting National Park)and text 2 (Taj Mahal).



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