

Read the following text.

Source: flickr.com/Litasworld


    People visit Salisbury Plain in Southern England to see Stonehenge, one of the great mysteries of the world. Thirty large stones stand in a circle. Some are 50,000 kilos. Nature didn't put the stones there. People started to build this ancient circle 4,500 years ago. There are different groups of people who worked 1,800 years to build this ancient circle.

    Some people think the stones came from a place almost 400 kilometers away. No one is sure how those heavy stones came to Salisbury Plain. No one knows the purpose of Stonehenge either. Some say it is a religious place. Others say it is a type of calendar.  As the sun passes, the stones make shadows. The shadows are long in the summer and short in the winter. On the longest day of the year, the stones make one long shadow. Perhaps the builder used Stonehenge to follow the seasons. Will we ever have answer to the ancient mysteries of Stonehenge?

Source: People, Places, and Things 1, Lin Lougheed, Oxford University Press

How old is Stonehenge?

How old is Stonehenge?

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D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar yaitu " Stonehengen is 4.500 years old.".

jawaban yang benar yaitu "Stonehengen is 4.500 years old.".


Terjemahan soal yaitu "Berapa umur Stonehenge?". Jawaban terdapat di paragraf 1 pada kalimat " People started to build this ancient circle 4,500 years ago. " yang artinya"Orang-orang mulai membangun lingkaran kuno ini 4.500 tahun yang lalu.". Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka dapat diketahui bahwa Stonehengen berusia 4.500 tahun. Jadi, jawaban yang benar yaitu " Stonehengen is 4.500 years old.".

Terjemahan soal yaitu "Berapa umur Stonehenge?".

Jawaban terdapat di paragraf 1 pada kalimat "People started to build this ancient circle 4,500 years ago." yang artinya "Orang-orang mulai membangun lingkaran kuno ini 4.500 tahun yang lalu.".

Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka dapat diketahui bahwa Stonehengen berusia 4.500 tahun.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar yaitu "Stonehengen is 4.500 years old.".

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Pertanyaan serupa

How long did it take to build Stonehenge?



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