


Cindy : Look at the turkeys their bodies are covered with dense feathers.
Wisnu : You’re right they have big bodies but thin legs.
Cindy : They do.
Wisnu : You know, each turkey has a long red fleshy ornament that grows from the forehead over the bill.
Cindy : I can see that.
Wisnu : So, which one is the male?
Cindy : The bigger one.
Wisnu : How do you know? Is there another characteristic?
Cindy : Well a male turkey has a naked and bumpy head it is normally bright red in color.
Wisnu : Are turkeys wild?
Cindy : No but they will be aggressive if they feel threatened.

How does Cindy recognize a female turkey?

How does Cindy recognize a female turkey?


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang paling tepat adalah a female turkeyhas smaller body .

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah a female turkey has smaller body.




Dialog di atas menjelaskan bahwa kalkun jantan memiliki tubuh yang besar sedangkan kalkun betina memiliki tubuh yang lebih kecil ( smaller body ) . Ini dapat dilihat pada kalimat berikut: Wisnu : So, which one is the male? Cindy : The bigger one. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah a female turkeyhas smaller body .

Dialog di atas menjelaskan bahwa kalkun jantan memiliki tubuh yang besar sedangkan kalkun betina memiliki tubuh yang lebih kecil (smaller body) . Ini dapat dilihat pada kalimat berikut:

Wisnu : So, which one is the male?
Cindy : The bigger one.

Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah a female turkey has smaller body.

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